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Unfortunately, Texas
Member Since
Graduate Student...grrr.
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Graduated College with a that an accomplisment?
Anime Fan Since
1991...but then again, Vol Tron is anime too. When was that?
Favorite Anime
Like I said, Kenshin is great! AND I love Samurai X, too. And Bleach is great too, and, Outlaw Star!!!! Lately, Wolf's Rain and Saiyuki have been taking up more and more of my time...But my first love when I was five:'s the g
To combat ignorance, professionally
Cosplay, writing, music, reading, dancing, singing.
Singing, I play the clarinet or then again, I used to...and according to most people I listen really well.
| antilogicgirl
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Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Okay. I'm really odd.
I've been cruising the music for Project Playlist, so's I can make a playlist for my MySpace page.
So far, I have stuff from:
Green Day
Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies
Steve Conte
Rie Fu
Malice Mizer
Toad the Wet Sprocket
and last but not least...David Bowie.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it. I'm sure you'll get a decidedly odd feeling. If anyone's wondering what songs I have, these are them:
Over the Rainbow--Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies
I Wasn't Prepared--Eisley
Call Me Call Me--Steve Conte/Yoko Kanno
Beautiful Words--Rie Fu
Beast of Blood--Malice Mizer
Fall Down--Toad the Wet Sprocket
As the World Falls Down--David Bowie
Yes, you can laugh. I know I'm very strange.
And then you can laugh at yourself. Because everyone is strange in their own special way!
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Monday, August 7, 2006
the cosplay oddessy continues
So now, I'm working feverishly on costumes so that I can get something finished before school starts again. The latest: ANBU. Not finished yet. But if I can figure out how to attach my metal (yes, that's metal, not fun-foam like I wanted) arm-guards to myself, then I'll be finished much sooner.
Anyway, here's the picture of me in what I have so far.

It's dark in here...and why is there a ninja in my kitchen?
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Saturday, August 5, 2006
Oh, yeah. I'm sick. Right now I'm trying not to sniffle all over the keyboard. And what have I been doing? Oh, that's easy. I've been obsessively trying to sleep for the past 2 days without much success. So now, I'm eating the first food I have had in more than 16 hours. Bagels are a wonderful food. Early in my sickness, I was aware enough to play with Photoshop, so that I could make a banner for a contest on, but yesterday, I was so delirious that I sent my dad's "happy birtthday" email a month in advance. Now, I ask you, who let the sicky use the computer? Oops. That would be me.
Oh, and echinacea is nasty.
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I'm a bad influence
Oh, not really. I just think that I got one of the girls I go to school with interested in going to Realms Con with me. That would drastically lower the price of the hotel room for me! I mean...that's right around $42.50 for each of us per night! $127.50 plus tax for all three nights. Of course, there's always the chance that we wouldn't get a room at that particular hotel. Overflow is always a possiblity.
The wheels in my head are turning! Where will they stop? No one knows.
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Wednesday, August 2, 2006
No cons for me...
Okay. So now all of the local cons have either gone by, or I won't be able to afford going to any of the others. The only semi-feasible one is Realms Con in Corpus Christi. But the hotel room is $95.00/night. Oh, I'm totally screwed. So I'm thinking this: I work for a year on my costumes, thesis, etc., and then next year I go to as many as I possibly can!
I hope to go to:
Dragon*Con (of course)
Anime Week Atlanta
I feel like crying.
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Monday, July 31, 2006
I'm happier than I have been for some time. Why? Well. That's quite simple. I finished ONE of the boots that I was ranting about before. Wanna see? Well, here it is.

Okay. So, I'm going to be wearing bandages under them, so as my skin doesn't show. Or should I? I don't know.
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Yay! I made (not really yet) shoes.
I'm 2/3 of the way finished with one of my ninja shoes...yippee. It was interesting. From the measurements to using flip-flops and a crochet hook to give myself a crash-course in making my very own Suna-style ninja shoes...oh, my hands hurt. They'll end up looking pretty good, but I think that they'll cost me about 24 hours of my life. So far, I've worked on them for about eight hours. Most of that was measure, cut, try, scrap (because my first three ideas totally sucked). Now that I have the process down, I think the other one will go much faster. I'll be posting pictures of them once they're finished.
*does a dance of joy*
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Sunday, July 30, 2006
Ah, costuming.
Okay. I've started up again. So far this past week, I've gone and gotten a pattern to modify for my Lulu costume, as well as sketched out in my head (not to mention endless debates with a certain friend on fabric choice) how everything's going to come together, and bought more than ten yards of fabric. If anybody knows where I can get that pesky trim on Lulu's dress, I NEED it. I'll be able to make just about everything else, but that stuff's gonna suck to make.
Where my ANBU costume is concerned, I'm having absolute fits with it. The arm-guards...enough to make me go mad. I'm [-----------] <--that close to going out and getting sheet metal, tin-snips, and other metalworking tools. For God's sake, I am going insane here. I don't want them to look like crap! The vest is the only other part I have left. Other than that, it's all in the details. I've got weapons--kunai and kali-- as well as things to put them in, the pants, the shirt, and a mask. OHHHH. I forgot the shoes. That could be a problem. Then again, I'm form ing various ideas in my head as to how to make my very own ninja shoes.
1. use my Tevas and make covers for them
2. get 2 pairs of black flip-flops, an ice-pick, and some heavy-duty shoe adhesive, as well as a crochet hook and various other accoutrements to really make the things
I would buy them, but the vendors online apparently think that if you're going to cosplay as a ninja, you're a man with big feet. Drat.
Haku? He's stuffed in the back of my closet. I've finished the jacket (looks damned good, for a limited budget) and mostly the pants, though I need some more work with the rest.
Overall, right now I'm feeling kind of...
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006
My new mission in life!
Well, not really. I've decided that the next time I actually do get to go to a con, I'm going as Lulu, from Final Fantasy. All the Lulu costumes I've seen are total crap. So, I've made it my mission to create a great one. Then again, I have to finish my Haku costume, as well as my ANBU. They're taking forever.
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006
omygosh...this is soooo funny...
Okay. I was looking at things...and I found this:

I was, to say the least, shocked, and I laughed so hard that it hurt. The parallel is almost...uncanny.
Laugh. You know you want to.
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