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Unfortunately, Texas
Member Since
Graduate Student...grrr.
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Graduated College with a that an accomplisment?
Anime Fan Since
1991...but then again, Vol Tron is anime too. When was that?
Favorite Anime
Like I said, Kenshin is great! AND I love Samurai X, too. And Bleach is great too, and, Outlaw Star!!!! Lately, Wolf's Rain and Saiyuki have been taking up more and more of my time...But my first love when I was five:'s the g
To combat ignorance, professionally
Cosplay, writing, music, reading, dancing, singing.
Singing, I play the clarinet or then again, I used to...and according to most people I listen really well.
| antilogicgirl
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Monday, July 24, 2006
New wallpapers available...
Yippee for me being bored off my proverbial arse.
I made and posted 4 new wallpapers in the past 3 days. They are as follows"
"White Eyes"--Hyuuga Neji (Naruto)
"Kiba In Red"--Inuzuka Kiba (Naruto)
"Fallen Leaf"--Yondaime (Naruto)
"Demon Days"--Uzumaki Naruto (Naruto)
Yeah. I like Naruto. I'm planning on working some Final Fantasy walls, and maybe Death Note, if I can get decent pics. I'm always on the lookout.
I did make a wallpaper of Shiranui Genma from Naruto, but the file's too big, and I'm lazy. I'll fix it tomorrow. Maybe post it.
Now it's time for me to be in bed, since it's been "tomorrow" for 4.9 hours.
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Chibi addiction?
Now, I spent about an hour today looking at anime fanart...and I found that (not that I hadn't noticed it before, but I am continually amazed by it) there are a LOT of chibis in fanart. Not that I don't like them.
But have you ever seen a chibi that was so cute your brain melted? Oh, I have. I think that the most interesting little comic with chibis is this:

Chibi kids munching. I was quite taken with it, in spite of its small size. Now, that didn't make my brain MELT, but it knocked something loose, because I actually started LOOKING for chibis.
These are some of the ones I found that DIDN'T melt my brain:
Chibi Deidara (Naruto):

Chibi Kisame (Naruto):

Chibi Asuma/Shika/Ino/Chouji (Naruto):

Chibi Angsty Gaara (Naruto):

Chibi Kakashi (Naruto):

Chibi Christmas Inu Yasha:

Chibi Roy Mustang (FMA):

Chibi Sha Gojyo (Saiyuki):

Chibi Gundam Everybody:

Sure fire brain-melting chibis...
Chibi Sephiroth w/ Cloud Plushie (Final Fantasy):

Chibi Itachi (Naruto):

Chibi Kakashi (Naruto)...I have a pin of this image...:

Chibi Goku (Saiyuki):

Pretty Chibis...
Pretty Chibi Kakashi (Naruto):

Pretty Renji (Bleach):

And last but not least...
Chibi Ishida (Bleach) for the win.

If that wasn't enough chibi goodness to fry your brain to a crisp, then you probably have a chibi addiction. Seek help.
I'm not kidding.
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Saturday, July 22, 2006
Hey, you's guys.
Hello everyone. I'm back. DId I say that already? DOn't think so. Anyhow, I'm back, even if I did say it before.
And. I'm making backgrounds, such as the one on my page. This one's called "White Eyes", and has not only our favorite white-eyed ninja, but the kanji for "white eyes" as well. Fun with filters, but I did actually put a little work into this.
So, if you like, post a comment about it, or if you can think of any characters that look nice on a background, tell me!
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Thursday, July 20, 2006
Holy Geez, it's been a while
I know that people have probably forgotten that I exist by now, but I'm posting again! I 've been out of town for the longest time, and now I'm back! I've been working on lots of photoshoppiness, so watch out, I'll have new wallpapers for Saiyuki soon, one of Goku that's really spiffy...also, I'm entering banners in the new banner contest at, if anyone wants to see them...
If you've got ideas for greeting cards, just let me know.
Also, while I'm nowhere near as good with photoshop as childofserenity, I need stuff to do for a few if anybody wants a background, I'll see what I can do.
On a final note, I have ALL of Saiyuki in hardcopies well as volume 1 of Deathnote, and volumes 1-3 of a rather silly manga called Black Cat. I love it. Assassins, babysitting, and crazy people!
With that, I bid you all a fond good night.
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Monday, May 29, 2006
Well. I haven't posted in some time...
I know that I have not been all that great in posting/updating/whatnot as of late. However, I'm working on so many things right now, it is a little hard with all of them to get time.
That, and I've been on an iffy internet connection for the last while. Oh, well. I just wanted to take this opportunity to say that I'm really tired, but I'm not unhappy about it. I finally got to spend some time with my friends! They're wonderful. I didn't get to see one of my best friends, which I am not at all happy about (darned family members getting in the way!!!), and I do want to see them, but I couldn't figure anything out to make it happen!
Anyhow, I'm going to be feeding myself caffine intravenously today to stay awake, I think.
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
The Seven Plagues of Waco, Texas
Listening to: Sambomaster, Tsunagari
Attempting: to eat green jello and not spill it
I just realized something.
Waco has at least a few plauges a year.
1. Crickets. They're literally everywhere in August
2. Gnats. They're everywhere...right now
3. Pollen. This is an all-year thing
4. Rednecks. It's Texas. 'nuff said.
5. Religious fanatics. While this might coincide with rednecks slightly, I think that it's a category all to itself.
6. Stupid, sheltered, rich-kid Baylor undergrads
7. Finally, and in no way is it lesser than any of the other plagues: Waco City Water. It tastes like licking a big block of gray limestone. Try doing just that, and you'll understand.
Yeah. The seven plauges of Waco.
Just thought I'd put that out there.
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Monday, May 15, 2006
Listening to: Asian Kung Fu Generation, Haruka Kanata (better known as the second opening to Naruto)
Attempting: not much. I'm supposed to be packing
OH, I'm supposed to pack. Meh. I'll do it later. I just wanted to blab about the latest anime I've started watching.
Gun Sword...
I dont' usually DO Mech, per se, but there's only 1 mech fight per episode, so I can handle that. Unlike some mech anime, which you rarely see people that aren't being squashed or roasted by the mechs (coughgundamcough)(coughbigocough).
Basic run down:
Van--lazy ass main characher, has an odd hat, and a sword he wears as a belt. The man has no money. It is my opinion, at this early stage, that he used it all to go and build a satellite to house his mech. Oh, and he has a hard time remembering people's names.
Wendy--cute kid, big gun. She's looking for her older brother, Michael. There's more to the story, I'm sure.
Carmen 99--Not sure about her. She's got big boobs, and is some kind of CIA-esque agent. Seems nice enough.
What's happened so far:
Van stumbles into a town called Evergreen. He's literally starving and dying of thirst. The town tries to get him to save them from a gang of murderous thugs that have a leader who plays double-fisted Russian Roulette with his own head. Yeah. The guy's nucking futs. Anyway, chaos ensues, and once Van's kicked Mech butt, he leaves town, Wendy trailing behind, saying she'll marry him. He's horrified at the very thought, of course. She looks to be no more than 12.
They're on the trail of the man Van is looking for, who has claws on his right hand, and who has also taken Wendy's brother Michael. Why the kid was taken, I know not. They come to a bridge, and there's an evil plot afoot, of course. They meet Carmen 99 (the 99 is her chest measurement in centimeters. That's right. She's nearly a meter...damn) Van once again kicks Mech butt, and the town is saved from destruction.
Van reminds me a lot of Spike from Cowboy Bebop.
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Sunday, May 14, 2006
School's out for Summer!
Listening to: The Ataris, My So Called Life
Attempting: sporadic cleaning spree
I am very happy that I have nothing to do today.
School is done for another semester, and I am ever so happy. So, I have this summer to gather information for my thesis, and pick a committee, then I have classes and thesis writing next semester. Hopefully, if all goes well, I'll be done by the spring!
Listening to: Yellowcard, Holly Wood Died
Summer vacation plans!
1.5 weeks with family (any more, and I'd kill myself)
0.75 weeks with friends in Baton Rouge, LA.
1-2 days with my friend Sam, stranded in Franklin, LA (we might be going se Cowboy Mouth...?)
The rest of the time spent in South Carolina with my boyfriend, and my computer.
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Thursday, May 11, 2006
So sad...
Listening to: flourescent lights...I'm at work.
Attempting: to say awake and not freeze to death.
Okay. I bring my computer to work, and what's on my computer? Wolf's Rain, that's what. I got busy this semester, and I couldn't finish watching it. So, I finished it today. You know the phrase "hiding in plain sight?" Well, that's what the ending was.
I'm not gonna give it away for those of you that haven't seen it, but I actually LIKED the ending for a change. It had some kind of closure. Almost.
But, that's okay. I loved it. That's going to get burned, so that I can have it forever and ever.
So hurray for Wolf's Rain.
I have a party to go to tomorrow night. It's like...dress-up. I'm actually going to wear a dress that doesn't involve a costume. I wonder if the moon's supposed to be blue tomorrow?
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Tired, but okay.
Listening to: The Ataris, My So Called Life
Attempting: to wake up...not really that successful
It's morning again. How did that happen? Well, it involves complex astro-physic that I'm not willing to go into, but suffice it to say that the world keeps on turning, in spite of the fact that I go to sleep. This is much to my surprise, and chagrin.
I'm in the process of looking for a new background, so if anybody sees one that they think I would like, lemme know. It has to be one that you can actually be able to read the text on it easily. I can't stand the comments I get, "I can't read it!" Well, I understand and all. If you can't read it, what's the point?
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