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• antilogicgirl
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• antilogicgirl
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• 1980-03-11
• Unfortunately, Texas
Member Since
• 2005-08-29
• Graduate Student...grrr.
Real Name
• April
• Graduated College with a that an accomplisment?
Anime Fan Since
• 1991...but then again, Vol Tron is anime too. When was that?
Favorite Anime
• Like I said, Kenshin is great! AND I love Samurai X, too. And Bleach is great too, and, Outlaw Star!!!! Lately, Wolf's Rain and Saiyuki have been taking up more and more of my time...But my first love when I was five:'s the g
• To combat ignorance, professionally
• Cosplay, writing, music, reading, dancing, singing.
• Singing, I play the clarinet or then again, I used to...and according to most people I listen really well.
| antilogicgirl
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
Hm. Enough of the Suzy Homemaker crap.
Listening to: Valse de Lune, Yoko Kanno, Wolf's Rain soundtrack
Feeling: Oddly contented
Attempting: writing a paper, screwing around on the internet. So far, I'm succeeding at both. Wow, who knew I could multi-task!
Ah, the wonders of hot cocoa. Even though it makes you all warm inside, it's still chocolate, and that keeps me up. So, I will have my paper done on time. I waited until 11pm to start.
I'm a stress junkie. How the hell that happened, I have no idea. Anyhow, I have decided to go back to thinking about the cons I'll be going to this year, as well as the Texas Ren Fest!
Costumes! Costumes! Costumes!
For those of you who know me, or those of you who don't, whatever...Suggestions. I need them. I think I'll be going to Dragon Con again, as well as Numa if I can swing it. Then there's Ren Fest, for which all materials are gathered, but my mom knows how to sew a lot better than me, and I don't trust myself to do anything more than embroidery on that thing.
SO! What do you think I should go to Dragon Con as? Keep in mind that I have one costume in the works (Haku from Naruto). Hoping for something that will allow me to smile a little in pictures. I was Suzuka from Outlaw Star last time, and that chick NEVER smiles, and at Oni Con, I was Kuchiki Rukia, who also doesn't smile. Damn. I need someone who's a little more cheerful.
Please help!!!
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
OHHH, that was yummy.
The apples turned out great. But what I did was a lot simpler. Raspberry jam, rasin bran, dried lemon peel, mix together. Fill a cored apple (half peeled) Preheat oven, 350 F, then put the apple into a pan with cranberry juice in the bottom. Bake for 30 minutes, and oh, my. It is really really good.
Oi. Know how I was having that really crappy day the other day? Well, today was much better. I actually did my readings, so I could participate intelligently in the discussion in class. My boss thinks that the potter storage solutions I'm coming up with are the best things since sliced bread, and I have an easy paper to write. To top it all off, I have the best snack in the world to eat. Who says all Wednesdays are bad?
Wednesday's Child Is Full of Woe...Ha! My mom always said that she thought I was born on a Wednesday, because I'm always depressed. I know for a fact that I was NOT. I was born on a Tuesday. 7:55pm on Tuesday, March 11, 1980, to be exact. Boy, was she off. Oh, in case you're wondering, that's from a Mother Goose rhyme.
Monday's Child Is Fair of Face
by Mother Goose
Monday's child is fair of face,
Tuesday's child is full of grace,
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go.
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for a living,
But the child born on the Sabbath Day,
Is fair and wise and good and gay.
Here's where I found it:
Ok. I've blathered enough. Time to write a paper!
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Ok. I just found this:
6 Lg Apples
1/2 c Seedless raspberry jam
Grated rind of 1/2 an orange
1/2 c Finely chopped walnuts or almonds
3 tb Sugar
An old Egyptian dream book states that "to dream of looking at apples betokens a wedding. To dream of eating apples is a sign of mourning unless they are very sweet, then it is a sign of a great deal of prosperity in the marriage state". Apples have travelled from the Old World to the New, but for some reason, we haven't created as many interesting desserts with them as the Europeans. We seem to limit ourselves to pies, crunchy puddings, applesauce and jelly. This is one new way to try apples.
When possible, use the large Rome Beauty apples
Core apples and peel skin about 1/3 of the way down from the stem end. Pierce the rest of the skin all over with a fork to lessen wrinkling and
splitting. Place apples in a large, deep pan that has a good cover and add water to a depth of 1/4 inch. Mix jam with orange rind and nuts,fill the centre of each apple, then sprinkle sugar over top. Bring water in pan to a boil, then cover, lower heat and simmer 20-30 minutes,depending on size of apples. Baste 2-3 times with pan juices. To glaze apples, uncover when cooled, sprinkle top with an additional tbsp of sugar and place under broiler 3 inches from heat until lightly browned. Watch closely, as they brown very quickly. Serve warm, tepid or cold. Serves 6.
YES, I KNOW IT'S JUST A RECIPE. But doesn't it sound delicious? I'm going to try making a variation on it in a little while. A post will follow as to if I succeded or failed miserably.
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The makings of a bad day
Gen. Info
Listening to: Thicker by Chasing Furies
Feeling: tired
Attempting: concentration on Collections Management readings
My bad day...
Started at 11:45pm last night, oddly enough. I woke up from being asleep, and for the life of me, couldn't get back. Then, somewhere between 2 and 4 am, I fell asleep again, but didn't wake up until 8am, and by that time, there was no way that I was getting to work on time. When I finally got to work, I heard someone say the dreaded words "" Oh, hell. I had to leave wotk to do in 45 minutes what I should have done last Maybe I've got a little bit of a narcolepsy problem. I should have done the assignment, but I was too busy sleeping, waking up, and trying to go back to sleep. *sigh*
The day ended much better. I'm now taking a short break, then back to reading (or at least skimming) before I go to sleep.
Ah, the wonders of being in Grad School.
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Sunday, January 22, 2006
If you run over the neighbor's cat...
You can now tell them about it in latin. I know I said that I wouldn't do the latin quotes anymore, but I saw this one by chance and thought it was great. I promise that I won't get on a roll with them like I did for a while, though.
Estne tibi forte magna feles fulva et planissima? - Do you by chance happen to own a large, yellowish, very flat cat?
Yeah. I guess you could say I'm a bit bored.
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Oh, I found pretty pictures...
I was lolly-gagging in dreamland (google images) and found a pretty black and white of Jiraiya and Tsunade from Naruto. It's a bit far-fetched to think of them like that, but it's still pretty.
Very nice, ne?
I couldn't do much more than that. It's copyrighted. But I encourage you to look at the rest of the person's stuff (even though they do seem to have a preoccupation with pretty-boys from the Amegakure...).
Other than that, I think I've officially turned into an utter nerd. On TONFA, I'm now in the top 10 most prolific writers. I'm #5. Oh, I know I need to get a life. Then again, I have a life, just not one that there's hard evidence of. Um, I guess that's not a good thing...
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
Boys have no right to be this pretty
Hey. I just got a new background. It's so pretty! Don't you think boys shouldn't be so pretty? I mean, I wish I was that pretty. Man.
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If you could have a personal sound track, or a theme song, what would it be?
I was just thinking about this. If I was walking around, with nothing going on, and I had theme music in the background that followed me around, I'd probably have something like "Novacaine For the Soul," by the Eels, or something totally crazy, like "Blue Monday," (the Orgy version), but maybe also "London Calling" by the Clash.
How about you guys?
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Ever have someone point out all of your faults?
I have the results back from mandatory personality testing: I'm not assertive enough...meh. I resist change. I'm passive aggressive. These don't really describe me much, at least I don't think so.
How about you? What things to people say drive them up the wall about YOU?
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Sunday, January 15, 2006
Downloading...and again.
Weeeell. I'm downloading again. Now, it's Wolf's Rain and Bubblegum Crisis. I saw previews for Bubblegum Crisis, and I've actually seen some of Wolf's Rain. What are your views on them? Lemme know, 'cause it's gonna take a couple days, and I don't find formal reviews very helpful.
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