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myOtaku.com: antilogicgirl

Thursday, January 26, 2006

   Hm. Enough of the Suzy Homemaker crap.
Listening to: Valse de Lune, Yoko Kanno, Wolf's Rain soundtrack
Feeling: Oddly contented
Attempting: writing a paper, screwing around on the internet. So far, I'm succeeding at both. Wow, who knew I could multi-task!

Ah, the wonders of hot cocoa. Even though it makes you all warm inside, it's still chocolate, and that keeps me up. So, I will have my paper done on time. I waited until 11pm to start.

I'm a stress junkie. How the hell that happened, I have no idea. Anyhow, I have decided to go back to thinking about the cons I'll be going to this year, as well as the Texas Ren Fest!

Costumes! Costumes! Costumes!

For those of you who know me, or those of you who don't, whatever...Suggestions. I need them. I think I'll be going to Dragon Con again, as well as Numa if I can swing it. Then there's Ren Fest, for which all materials are gathered, but my mom knows how to sew a lot better than me, and I don't trust myself to do anything more than embroidery on that thing.

SO! What do you think I should go to Dragon Con as? Keep in mind that I have one costume in the works (Haku from Naruto). Hoping for something that will allow me to smile a little in pictures. I was Suzuka from Outlaw Star last time, and that chick NEVER smiles, and at Oni Con, I was Kuchiki Rukia, who also doesn't smile. Damn. I need someone who's a little more cheerful.

Please help!!!


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