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myOtaku.com: Anubis mon

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Everybody else is doing it, why not the Levi too!!

Now for some random cute/funny stuff....

I love my Hakufu-chan *drool*...she is my goddess...And, just for Zappa, Kanu-chan!!! XD

I just think this is painfully cute...

Yay! Christmas time!!!

More Hakufu-chan!! *squee!!*

Thursday, December 1, 2005

....I sense a powerful hatred eminating from my comments....o.O

Naruto 4 is pretty cool! As Zappa put it a while ago tho...it's more like Naruto 3.5. Some moves are cooler...they took out the stupid low-life specials and you can just do 'em all as secondary specials any time....some characters have been either enhanced or toned down....

The part that sux the most is....to get all the kewl ppl n stuff....I have to do like, 120 missions before all the characters are unlocked!!! All the missions I'm getting take 10 minutes at a time too!!!

Grrr!!! No Haku till mission 40......no Kimimaro till level 35....gawd!!! EVERYONE is still in it...they didn't take anyone out they just added more

Like the sound 5...they are pretty good characters. Tayuya's the coolest new character so far XD

K! That's it!!

Today's Quote: "NO! GO TO STAR!!"


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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

well, when Mark got home last night he called and said he got Naruto 4 in the mail XD

....so that means today after work i will be playing Naruto 4!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Shuave....I will tell everyone how cool it is!!!...or if it just sux XD

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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Site change again! I added my Hakufu-chan....I am obsessed with Sonsaku Hakufu......*stares at pictures*....................

Anyway!! Uh.....new stuff happening...uh...went to main event last night! It was fun...newbeh and sugar keep calling me "daddy" O.o...oddly erotic....o.o...*ahem*

anyways....everybody came!!!! squee!!! I had such fun!!! This morning I woke up with a HORRIBLE pain in my back...and I'm guessing it has something to do with the 20lbs of clothes I had on at ME XD

uh....damnit I wanna play an MMO again!!! I'm jonesing...i hate playin PSO on Gamecube cuz it just makes me wanna play an MMO for real!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

um....that's it for now my children!!! XD

Today's Quote!! "I eat the talking bees...because I'm George Washington Christ."


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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Rabble Rabble!
....I completely forgot about that.

Ok, a while back me and Phlinx aquired enough best buy bucks from the McDonald's monopoly thing that we were able to get Soul Calibur III for free! *I am a soul calibur fanboy so i forced him XD....it was either that or one peice o.O*

So...the cool thing about SC3 is....you can make your own characters! It's pretty cool! So, the last time eric came over...what did he do? He got on the game and made Hamburglar! o.O It was funny as hell to watch....and so...I got on it, tried a few things and made Ronald McDonald!!! XD!!! It was the fight of the milennia!!! So ya...you can make just about any rediculous thing in that game...it's really cool XD

Minty has her sato again on GameCube PSO. *squee* I need a real MMO....>.<

I didn't pay my car insurance on time!!! XD I wonder if a letter would get from here to Oklahoma City if I sent it today by the 25th.....hmmmmm....I guess I'll find out!!

Kinda don't wanna go to Linden anymore....my family is already starting drama -.- They never used to!! Or maybe I was just too young to notice I dunno....


Prier is still the cutest RPG girl ever...

And...I have something I must confess....I...for reasons unexplainable...like....Hinata! I admit it! I can't help it she's cute and creepy all at the same time!! >.<


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