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Monday, November 21, 2005

I eat the talking bees......because I'm George Washington Christ
Hello kiddies. I may post in my journal, but that doesn't mean I even have a reson to! XD

Hmmm...let's see what's new....I bought PSO for gamecube...so now I'm addicted to it again even tho I'm not playing online O.o Fuckin' weird huh?

Um....um....Hung out with Newbeh, Ian, Minty, Mark, Alora and Eric on friday, twas fun. They all saw my new hair...and nobody made fun of me! At least to my face! XD So i guess the haircut isn't as bad as I had feared.

I will be leaving for backwater Linden texas on Wednesday! I will finally see the family I haven't seen in 4 years! XD I won't be back untill the sunday after Thanksgiving. I'll miss everyone!! *sniffles* But it's only 5 days so get over it XD

Nothing left to say....

Now for fun Pictures!!! XD


I looooooove cute kitty-boys *drool*

That's it! Hope you enjoyed it XD

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Friday, November 18, 2005

Um....even tho I have the epic subject...not much has happened...

Gonna be leaving for 5 days next week to go visit family I haven't seen in 5 years XD

Uh....last night Alora came back and we went and picked her up at the airport....uh...still aint got my goddamn MONEY in the mail....uh....uh.....i dunno what else to say lemmie alone!!!


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Saturday, November 12, 2005

lol, internet
I have returned to the interweb! Weeee!

Um...I moved....not living with eric anymore...it's just me and minty in our new place...but i'm sure all of you already knew that! XD

uh.............i can't really think of much else....gonna get a new computer soon so I can stop using newbeh's clunker and lose my life to some MMOs XD...

oh ya, thanks again newbeh for letting me use this thing for the interwebs...i'm sure my other one wouldn't have been able to handle it....poor 6 year old thing

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Friday, October 14, 2005

well, i'm fixin to move out and stuff so that means i will be without computer for a while...so if anyone needs to get in contact with me just call me XD

see u all at oni-con!

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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

   Weeee sinus infections hurt
Ya....um...this weekend was fun. We pwned mark's house and broke it...got my finger smashed because for some reason my swordfighting style leaves my hands totally open...huh...i should work on that but nah....too lazy

Been trying to play makai kingdom more cuz i've barely played it...i blew 50 bucks on it so i better play it damnit....

uh....getting another sinus infection...makes my head hurt bad....one time I had one so bad I ALMOST blacked out from it...it's a pain like you cannot imagine....like someone is drilling into your skull...i just have to wait untill I blow a huge chunk of blood out of my nose like last time....ew...

Not too much to say....uh...worship me...join my dark army and stand against the corrupt governments of the world and crush the new world order! Join my clan as my slave and worship me bwahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!!!

Oh....and Anko is so teh hawt...*drool*

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Saturday, September 24, 2005

   Some Hurricane.....
Ya, went out running all of my errands last night...zomg it took forever because of all the people running around in an idiot panic. Went to wal-mart...couldn't get HALF the groceries I needed because they were GONE! K....I don't care if the hurricane is CAT 9....we live 400 miles inland, with nothing but hills from here to the coast....any hurricane we get is gonna be a happy little thunderstorm by the time it gets here....and EVERYONE in Austin is having a brain annurism. I can understand the gas situation, seeing as how the refineries on the coast are shut down...but hoarding food and water 400 MILES INLAND!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE???? People nowadays must be pretty freaking gullible to so easily give in to government and corporate fear tactics to make you easier to control and buy businesses out of their products so they can make a very sudden billion dollars in profits.

Ugh...it all makes me so mad....oh, and sorry to anyone who tried to get me on my phone last night....the battery died pretty early into my trip.

Oh look....CLEAR SKIES!! ZOMG NO THIS HURRICANEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! ......I swear to God people are the most ignorant animal I've ever seen in this world.

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Friday, September 23, 2005

   All the bacon in the world couldn't save you now cuz......
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Ugh, so much crap happens I can never remember it all. Um.....I'm gonna try to work on my Kabuto outfit and see if I can do it for Oni. Shouldn't be too hard, except I'll have to make the outfit black because I can't make purple pants >.<

Ummmm....I don't really know what to write. My stress level has lifted a little bit lately...drama is slowly floating away...ummmmm...still kinda "meh" tho...er...i dunno what to write. Updated myotaku...flcl pwns...i think i put that in my last post O.o....new avatar pic thingy and new quote....uh....ya that's it.

Join my fight to overthrow all world governments! worship me, become my slave and throw your life away for justice!!!

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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Well, life's finally starting to look up. A lotta things that have been on my shoulders are now starting to drop away, so now the stress exaustion can go away. Woot. I'm glad my friends are becoming happier, it really messes with me when bad things are going on either between or with my friends.

Anyways....computer is needed by ohers...I might post more later. Nya!

oh ya, worship me and call me master! Bwahahahhhhhhha!!!

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Friday, September 16, 2005

   Holy crap I posted

Well, Afest was fun...no, no extensive report. I had a blast, sorry to everyone that got involved in my emo-ing at the con. heh...O.o

Just been working and stuff....hanging out with people a lot....goin to main event and stuff...scary stuff happened last time.

I went to newbeh's house and finally played JoJo's bizzare adventure. It was pretty kewl, I like it even tho eric says it's stupid. We saw napoleon dynamyte too, it was funny as hell. I dare say it was the greatest movie of all time. :3 Last night we found a napoleon dynamyte sound board and I called tolarin with it LoL. Good times.

K....I'm sick of writing, worship me and blah blah blah

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