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Thursday, August 11, 2005

   Quiz Time! XD

Bored? ((Over 100 questions))

Created by xSwtLilAngel666x and taken 119031 times on bzoink!

[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? ::Levi
Birthplace ::Washington DC
Age ::21
Age you act ::.....15 XD
Current location ::Home
Eye color ::Change
Hair color ::Black
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::Right
Zodiac sign? ::Gemini...that's why I've got split personalities XD
Height? ::uh...5'9"?
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality ::German/Native American and White XD
Your hair ::Long and soft and pretty....
Your fears ::Bad things happening to people I care about
Your perfect room ::Empty....so I can DECORATE!!!!
What you practically do in a day ::Work...eat....sleep....
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse ::Fuck, Ballbag...slave XD
Phrases you overuse ::Do what?
Your first thought when you wake up ::ZOMG I have to pee
Your greatest accomplishment ::I have many slaves XD
Something you want to do ::Rule the world
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke ::Pepsi beeatch!
McDonald's or Burger Kings ::Burger King...I have it his way XD
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::Britney
Chocolate or vanilla ::Chocolate!
Adidas or Nike ::Nike's got sum sweet kicks dawg
Black or white ::Black
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::Coins are shiny....
Burgers or hot dogs ::Fuckin' burgers
Egypt or France ::Egypt
Rock or rap ::Rock! I have the hair to headbang! XD
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke ::Nope
Cuss ::LoL, I don't think i need to answer that XD
Sing well ::eh....
Sing in the shower ::.....ya....
Talk to yourself --a lot-- ::I am right now
Believe in yourself ::Yep
Like taking these longass surveys? ::No
Play an instrument ::.....TUBA!! XD
Want to go to college? ::Someday
Want to get married? ::NO
Want to have children? ::.....i dunno
Think you're a health freak? ::kinda...
Get along with your parents ::Yea
Get along with your siblings? ::Ya I get along with Mint....most of the time XD
Think you're popular ::Hell yea!
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state ::Nope
Drank alchohal ::No
Smoke ::Nope
Get high ::Nope
Done any drugs ::Nope
Eaten an entire box of oreos ::.....I did once a long time ago XD
Been on stage ::Nope
Gone skinny dipping ::Nope
Been dumped ::Nope
Dyed your hair ::uh...no...I should....
Stolen anything ::....not in the last month XD
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest ::Suger
Loudest ::Tolarin!
Most shy ::Mint
Blondest ::Tolarin!
Smartest ::Me! XD
Kindest ::Mark
Best personality ::I think we're all screwed up XD
Most talented ::Mark
Best singer ::Mint
Most ghetto ::Tolarin XD
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) ::Alora
Pain in the ass ::Ian XD
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style))::Tinted
Funniest ::I don't laugh
Best person for advice ::Mint
Dependable ::Mark
Trustworthy ::Tolarin
Druggie ::Newbeh XD
Most likely to end up in jail ::Newbeh for tripping people XD
Person you've known the longest ::Mint
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream ::it was creepy I was trying to find this guy I used to know and kept almost dieing O.o I was like a secret agent or something it was kewl
Last nightmare ::Don't have 'em anymore....they only exist in real life XD
Car ride ::My ride home!
Last time you cried ::When Mufasa died! *sniffle*
Last movie seen ::Yugioh movie LoL
Last movie rented ::Fatal Fury!!!
Last book read ::Gravitation 3
Last word said ::Argh
Last curse word said ::Fuck
Last time you laugh ::Right now
Last phone call ::Yesterday with Eric
Last CD played ::System of a Down
Last song you listened to ::BYOB
Last annoyance ::That fuckin car I worked on
Last IM ::Suger_snake
Last weird encounter ::The alien that probed me last night.....he so wanted me
Last person you hugged ::Minty
Last person you yelled at ::Minty
Last time you wore a skirt ::Bridget costume XD
Last time you've been evil ::I'm always evil XD
Sarcastic? ::on this quiz
Last time you fought with your parents ::Haven't ever really fought with my parents
Last time you wished upon a star ::I blew it up
Played Truth or Dare ::never have I guess
Spent quality time alone ::I'm never alone
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM ::No i hate aim
Do you feel lonely ::I'm so ronryyyyyyy
Ever TP'd someone's house ::nope
How about egging someone's house ::nope
Do you not like dislike not like me? ::hey, fuck you
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::I would so fuck 50 cent in a heartbeat
Yo Momma ::hey...she's tryin to change
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? ::define..."eat" XD
What do you think of George Bush? ::FUCKTARD
Any secret fetishes? ::They aint secret XD
Do you like to wear chains? O_o ::hell ya they randomly have women attached to them...even men too XD
How many languages do you speak? ::English...ebonics....redneck...
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! ::Nope, my fingers are always ready to go XD
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) ::Stalk me it'll turn me on XD

Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

   Holy crap I have a life!!!11!11!!!!1
Ya....lotta stuff happens....lets start from uh..Friday!

Y'know....I can't remember much about Friday or saturday or even sunday....O.o....I don't think I did all that much except hang out with Phlinx and Mint and Tolarin...oh and sunday Eric went and got suger_snake and she came over to hang outzors. She pet my cat and threw the stuffed animals at me and laid on the floor a lot XD they went to Le Fun but I didn't go...then when they came back they brought newbeh and we pwned Naruto 3. when they were leaving suger_snake kissed the window or something and I ran outside after them, when they saw me they turned to run but Newbeh TOTALLY tripped suger_snake and she fell down. Newbeh denies it but it's true!!! I saw it. So watch out if your around Newbeh he'll friggin trip you! He's already trained my cat to do it!

Monday! We went to main event it was friggin fun! We almost didn't go there cuz the games didn't work and they called us to say they'd go to Le Fun. I was just about to go up to ME anyways just to hang out before they left when they called and said they were staying. When we got there a lotta people were already there. At first we all just kinda stood around bored and not knowing what to do....we watched mark rock climb, he tried to race a little girl cuz he's horrible like that XD. I saw you fail....don't pretend like you didn't. Tala ran off into the woods a lot and SD friggin jumped in there like a crazy dude it was awesome.

It was about that point that people started ending up attached to my pants. O.o I guess people really wanna get in there XD. At first Pockyman and that Jade girl kept tieing me to things with the chains....then just started attaching themselves to my chains and non-working handcuff. It was funny having slaves attached to me XD.

Eventually we all ended up out front again, causing bodily harm to people. Dark_angel_freya was selling kewl stuff, but I had no money to spend T_T. Then I started slaving suger_snake around and she obeyed me! Bwahahahahaha!!! She told me her friends were afraid of us so I went over and said "Hi Tabby's friends! I understand your scared of me! XD" And one of them came over and gave me a hug so I guess they weren't anymore XD. I then demonstrated my mastery over suger_snake and they were amazed at my ease of command over her XD. Tinted kept flirting with me but he's not my man-crush anymore. Sorry tinted XD. Eventually I just attached my suger_slave to my pants and didn't let her go XD. Pockyman too it was kewl, then Jade attached herself to my handcuff and I led them around.

I played DDR in my huge boots! That fuckin hurt! O.o Anyways, last night Alora and Newbeh came over and I apologized to suger_snake over IMz for him maliciously assaulting her with tripping power. She cried and said she didn't want to hurt anymore. do you see what you've done newbeh!!!?!?!? You tripping fiend, don't hurt her anymore!!!11!111!!!1one!1

Shout outs!

Ian: Your fun to hang out with I won't pick on you anymore

Tala: XD! Don't run away from us anymore!!

suger_snake: Good slave! XD Don't worry I won't take advantage of you.....too much.....XD

Mint: Your sleeping! Shhh..

Phlinx: Hope you enjoyed your birthday! XD!!

Newbeh: Stay away tripping fiend!

Tolarin: Have fun with your stories XD

Neji: why am I the one you would strangle Homer Simpson style!?!? O.o


Okay I'm done now! Off to work! Love you all!!! XD

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Friday, July 29, 2005

   Wow, I'm alive
Heh....what a week....I guess I'll start from the begining.

First, the usual PSO update! I am now the hero!!! Screenshot coming soon (as soon as I cut Tolarin out of it XD) I can now pwn hard mode but i'm not finding any rares and minty gave me a sword that looks like a Zabuza sword but I can't use it not by a long shot grrrrrrrrarrrr!!! Oh well, soon zabuza-style pwnage will be myne bwaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa!!!!

*Ahem..* Uh...ya...been getting injured a lot. Uh...wednesday I got an almost-concussion! I was under a stupid all-wheel drive fucking fag car trying to turn the flywheel, when the 20 or so lb drive shaft which was just kinda barely hanging on above me came down and knocked the shit outta me. I hit the ground not really understanding what was going on. I sat there for a while with my brain swimming around in my skull and my whole body trying to go numb. It suked...at least it wasn't a concussion ne? -.-

Well, after that bit of fun, Thursday I was having a better day, was all ready to go home, got about 20 feet from the shop when I friggin T-boned this dude's car when he was trying to turn into the same parking lot I was. I was in the shoulder passing the backed-up traffic and I didn't see the hole they left him. He just kinda flew in there and I didn't have enough time to stop. Next thing I know it feels like the air bag was more like a spring loaded brick in my face and there was smoke (which later i found out was air bag powder) everywhere. Totally destryoed the frong passenger side corner of my car, I dunno if It's worth fixing, but at least It wasn't claimed as my fualt. Damnit! That thing had brand new tires on it too!!!! GRRRR!! Well, I'm okay, the dude was okay, everyone was fine except for our cars. I feel sorry for him tho, he had JUST bought it, and it was a 2006 Toyota Camery Solar. BRAND FRIGGIN NEW. Wow, I would have been pissed, but he was very calm about it. I bet my face will be hurting in the morning.


yes....i'm so exausted. So sorry everyone, I won't be able to go out and hang out for a while untill this is resolved -.- if i'm lucky geiko will pay for a rental car for me (ya right.)


Sugar_snake: I am not a fanboy!!! ...Mostly....O.o

Newbeh: Yes, you are nothing but a figment of my imagination. The manatee is real...don't you DARE say she's not!!!

Neji: Ya, i HATE the short hair!! Tolarin and mint like it for some reason...i friggin HATE it she needs to keep her cute long hair

Tala: Sorry! Due to my wreck we can't go to Le fun on friday!!! *snifflez* Don't worry we will hang out as soon as I have a car again ^-^()()

Sugar_snake: Ya you should get un-grounded, just suck up a LOT. We will all get to hang out someday...

Phlinx: Yes...yes it is. But now i have a zabuza sword!!!! Still 100+ points away from using it grrr!!!

Alora: No! No drinking! Your underage!

Zabuza-kun: MY ARMY OF DARKNESS IS NOT GAY!!! IT HAS A CHICK!!! At least I don't cosplay a gay guy.....*looks at orochimaru* Okay maybe I KINDA do..but at least he doesn't rape Sasuke on a nightly basis like zabuza rapes haku.....I think.....oh fine I like yaoi who cares (espesically oroXkabu *drool*)! Plus you can't be sugoi unless Tolarin and mint deem so, and they don't just pass that shit out :p And for your information, I have been deemed sugoi BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!11!!1111!!11!ONE

okay, i'm exausted...bedtime! later everyone!!! i'm grounded now lol

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Thursday, July 21, 2005

   Doubre Reppuken!!
I'm bored....time to post.

Uh...I got kewl rainbow swords on PSO!!! Once I get a screenshot I'll show you!!! They are fruity and are like lightsabers, they only come out when I fight!!! It's awesome pwning! Tolarin is jealous cuz forces can't use 'em haha!!

Uh...ya I play a lot of PSO. Other than that I just work lol. Dunno what I'm doin this weekend, we should hang out!! No not you, i'm talking to my imaginary friend.

Uh....ya...worship me and stuff....and worship athena....and sugar_snake cuz ya...it's crazy dude. Seriously...crazy.

As you can see...i'm at a loss. Nothing happens on weekdays. So, do the whole worshiping thing, and I'll give you a high up spot in my new world order k?

I tire of the ignorant masses....so just stare at Athena in awe

Ahhh...Athena....I'm the ultimate Athena fanboy

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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

   Burning Knuckle!!!
Wow, two posts in a row within one week!! O.O Scary!!

Came back to my mom's house....blarg, she said she'd be gone another week. But all of you who miss mint don't worry, apparantly we're leaving tonight cuz she'll actually be back in a couple of days, and I don't wanna still be here when she gets home cuz ppl are usually cranky after a long trip of breaking down.

Hmmmmmm....me and Tolarin have Fatal Fury! I think people get annoyed by it tho...and I'm sorry I'll stop if I'm annoying.

I got to play PSO for a little while, but my ass fell asleep lol. I'm far behind mint and tolarin, but now that I see the boring episode 2 quests I'm kinda glad I am! Wow that looks boring, and you don't even find cool stuff!

I wanna hang out with everyone again it's a lotta fun when we do! I wanna see all of you like Tala and Neji and Sethy and Tala's friend who's name I don't know and Sugar Snake and Big boss and vash and wolfie and lalaru and toboe and phlinx and alora and newbeh and sockninja and tolarin and minty and....can't think of anyone else!!! I know I forgot ppl but bah, I'm not good with that.


Okay....I think I'm done now....ya...

Hah! Found a new method of shout outs!!! I'll just respond to my comments!! That way nobody gets their feelings hurt, and I can remember everyone easier lol.

SunderedYingYang: That's okay, mine doesn't make any sense either!!! O.o

Sugar Snakes: Mwahahahahaha!!! I have a follower!! Hmmm...makes me wonder what else you'll do when told to....XD

Newbeh: Ya, yaoi moment! All yaoi fangirls know this! Me and Newbeh partake in yaoi!!! lol They wouldn't leave us alone so I just did it!!!! It's okay newbeh liked it. *wink wink*

Tala: Hi tala!!!!! ^-^

Teh PhLinXorZ: Ya...scary....:p I've posted more than you this week that is scary....*seizures*

Tolarin: Fatal Fury indeed!!! We need to get into a random street fight!! Bwahahahahaha

Okay!! That's it!!! oh ya...WORSHIP ME!!!! I RULE YOU!!! WORSHIP ME NOW!!!! And Athena!!! Worship Athena too!!!!! Oh ya and worship Sugar Snake cuz she's my desciple now!!! BWAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!

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Sunday, July 17, 2005

   Rising Storrrrrrrrrrrrmmmm!!!!!!111!!1one!1
Um...ya...I play lotsa KOF now, and Terry Bogard is awesome...Iori is too but there's not enough room for Iori, just Terry, Rock, Yuri and Athena...well that's still a lot I guess. WORSHIP ATHENA DAMN YOU!!!! SHE IS YOUR GODDESS!!!! Worship me too, but you must also worship Athena.

Oh, I guess I should talk about my life too, rather than just the awesomeness of Terry the fucking lone wolf Bogard! Uh...I work and stuff....This weekend we've been hanging out with Tolarin. We made an adventure to my mom's house in which Mint and Tolarin drank booze and swam in the pool, which is good, cuz in the water....if your drunk...when you fall down it doesn't hurt! That's what mint said anyway. I stayed inside and fed her stupid gluttonous mag to make it into a kitty mag, looked for the pictures of terry that are in here now, and talked to sugar_snakes. then we went home.

Mark came over when we got home! Me and tolarin watched the Fatal Fury OAV and it was friggin awesome, i don't care what you say! It just proves even further that Terry is the fucking shiznit. Andy can go suck a dick, cuz he didn't get chosen to learn the final technique. And tolarin bought robotech for PS2 and they took it away from him and now this is where we are at presently. I'm gonna stop writing now and go have fun and probably play robotech. Later!

May your cup always be full and your hands never empty. - Yasuki quote

nobody gets shout outs, I feel it is to alienating to the people I don't know well enough to give them to, plus, I forget people and it makes them sad. It is a hurtful journal habit and it shouldn't be done!!!! OBEY AND WORSHIP ME!!!! AND ATHENA!!!! BUT MOSTLY ME!!!! NO STOP LOOKING AT HER AND WORSHIP MEEEEEEE!!!

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

   Throw your life away for justice!!!!11!1!!1one!
So much to say and nobody cares...hmmmmmm....so here we go!!

New obsession!!! We pwn PSO!!! Well, Tolarin and Mint pwn pso, I do it by myself as a lone wolf warrior who's been betrayed by his friends and now seeks the ultimate power and become the hero himself!!!!!11!1!!1 PSO is awsome and I will destroy it.

Been house sitting my mom's house for a while, the cockroaches there are huge compared to the ones in the city. Ew. Death to them all.

Hmmmm....wow, I don't have all that much to say....oh!!!! ZOMG!!!!

I'm gonna go to A-Fest!!! Hoohah!! It'll be awesome...just not sure who I'll go as...

ummm...xxxHolic and Tsubasa are awesome, I suggest you read them. Yes, read them, don't watch them, the mangas are ALWAYS better, TRUST me. Yuko is hot.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAthenaaaaaaaaaa!!! I love athena asamiya!!! She's my new obsession. I need to put pictures of her up on my jounral now, sorry Prier, but your so last month!

Nother update, my friends have betrayed me! They talk as if I'm not even here, they don't want to play games with me, they say i'm not the hero, I am a betrayed, bitter lone wolf who stalks the countryside sleeping with women, spreading bastard half-demon children across the face of the earth. Fie upon your stupid doomed heads BWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!111!!11ONE!

Oh, and apparantly everything I just said is not sugoi.


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Saturday, June 18, 2005

   Hey man look at me rockin' out I'm on the RADIOOOOOOOOOOO

hey, i've responded on your journals...SO READ MINE DAMNIT!! :p I promise I will post more

Okay....updates....ummm...Been arcading a lot....uh....

AHHHH!!! Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst is awesome! I'm addicted. Tolarin needs his hunters license so I have people to play with grrr

Eh...oh ya...anko..i guess...I'm kina burnt out on anko...nobody likes anko....they'll never bring her back....*sigh* oh well!! on to hotter chicks!! mmmm...tenten....O.O..uh, I mean...bah

I'm the DDR KING!!! Bwahahahahaha, like the burger king...but I dance. The only person still better than me is newbeh, I think he's still better...O.o...of course he has to turn the colors off :p hahaha, DE COLORES!!!! DE COLORES!!!!!

Pwned! I'm naruto 2 champion tho...kinda...we're all pretty equal between me mint and phlinx, we are the top 3...*psst...but i'm the best...haha*

Now....gaze upon insanity....
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QUESTION BOX TIME!!! (aka shoutouts)

Mint: your sitting right there!!

Tolarin: hurry up and get your debit card in the mail so we can play!


ok i'm tired of it....haha only got halfway through 'em :p

BYE! look for updates!!! no more anko!!!

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Sunday, June 12, 2005

   Super happy fun a-kon report!!
Yea...I went to A-kon...it was pretty cool. I did stuff...I did Para Para in the front at the friday night dance...I met Kevin Smith...bought a pwner....you know....it was awesome.

NOW on to more important things!! I PWNED!!! Mwahahaha. Um....I am leet at Naruto 2, but mint maxed out her haku so I can't win now :p, i can't vibrate my finger to tap buttons either so I get owned in specials.

I played Katamari Damacy...not only was it veracious piety...I think it made me gay...O.o....It's kinda fun and stuff

Nobody reads this so why am I posting? Oh ya...so I can do this...

NEEDS MORE ANKO!!! ANKO ANKO ANKO ANKO ANKO ANKO ANKO ANKO A N K O!!! Mwahahahahaha, and Mid Boss...we could do with a little more Mid-Boss. I have to cosplay mid-boss, once I get my rock hard tasty abs, WASHERBOARD STYLE!! Glistening in the sun...you team killing fucktard.

If you people don't start reading my journal i'm gonna cut myself!!! Remember, send all complaints to blowme@fjukjoo.com and if you don't like the content of my journal, or feel it is inapropriate, you can bite my cock. (Tolarin here! Or just don't read. That's what we all do.... )

see, I can say whatever I want cuz you people don't read it!!! BWAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Anko break!! *stares at a picture of anko for hours*

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Saturday, May 28, 2005

   Needs more Anko!!!
That's gonna be my subject from now on :p

I climbed a rock wall!!!! Or many to be exact, for a friggin' HOUR!! It was awesome but then I was really tired. I played guitar freaks!!11! ahhhhhhh!! The Main Event arcade has all that cool stuff but it would be perfect if it had para para paradise too grr.

NOBODY'S JOINING MY NEEDS MORE ANKO COALITION!!!!11!1 Join damnit but I'll need an entry fee of 50 dollars from you cuz it takes money to try to take over the wo....i mean...do Anko realated things....ya....O.o

I'm sewing a lot! Bah! I hate it but shit has to get done and mark doesn't know how to sew...and I had to make Tolarin's outfit cuz he's useless :p

uh...that's it I guess! OH!!!! ZOMG!!!! I ordered a new slidecard and it's actually coming from people in the US this time and I'll have a tracking number and everything so I'll actually GET IT!!! WOOHOO!! I will play my game goddamnit! ok...now that's it....

Mint - your standing right there

Tolarin - No, i'm not gonna play your stupid D&D world...but I will play pokemon :D

Tala - curfew sux huh

Mark - don't overwork yourself or A-kon will suk, just make the kunai holster things and some kunais or something

Seth - Happy Birthday! Sorry I can't go

Newbeh - Fix that flesh rotting problem yet?

Neji - I think I have discovered your secret Hyuuga technique!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!11!!1!!1

Alora - quit worrying it'll give you wrinkles and grey hairs

sockninja - Haha your at work and I'm not :p

Did I forget you? QUIT BITCHING! Send all compaints to blowme@fzuckjoo.com! Seriously if I forgot you don't be mad I can never think of all the people I need to leave comments for so :p

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