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myOtaku.com: Anubis mon

Saturday, May 28, 2005

   Needs more Anko!!!
That's gonna be my subject from now on :p

I climbed a rock wall!!!! Or many to be exact, for a friggin' HOUR!! It was awesome but then I was really tired. I played guitar freaks!!11! ahhhhhhh!! The Main Event arcade has all that cool stuff but it would be perfect if it had para para paradise too grr.

NOBODY'S JOINING MY NEEDS MORE ANKO COALITION!!!!11!1 Join damnit but I'll need an entry fee of 50 dollars from you cuz it takes money to try to take over the wo....i mean...do Anko realated things....ya....O.o

I'm sewing a lot! Bah! I hate it but shit has to get done and mark doesn't know how to sew...and I had to make Tolarin's outfit cuz he's useless :p

uh...that's it I guess! OH!!!! ZOMG!!!! I ordered a new slidecard and it's actually coming from people in the US this time and I'll have a tracking number and everything so I'll actually GET IT!!! WOOHOO!! I will play my game goddamnit! ok...now that's it....

Mint - your standing right there

Tolarin - No, i'm not gonna play your stupid D&D world...but I will play pokemon :D

Tala - curfew sux huh

Mark - don't overwork yourself or A-kon will suk, just make the kunai holster things and some kunais or something

Seth - Happy Birthday! Sorry I can't go

Newbeh - Fix that flesh rotting problem yet?

Neji - I think I have discovered your secret Hyuuga technique!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!11!!1!!1

Alora - quit worrying it'll give you wrinkles and grey hairs

sockninja - Haha your at work and I'm not :p

Did I forget you? QUIT BITCHING! Send all compaints to blowme@fzuckjoo.com! Seriously if I forgot you don't be mad I can never think of all the people I need to leave comments for so :p

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