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myOtaku.com: Anubis mon

Sunday, June 12, 2005

   Super happy fun a-kon report!!
Yea...I went to A-kon...it was pretty cool. I did stuff...I did Para Para in the front at the friday night dance...I met Kevin Smith...bought a pwner....you know....it was awesome.

NOW on to more important things!! I PWNED!!! Mwahahaha. Um....I am leet at Naruto 2, but mint maxed out her haku so I can't win now :p, i can't vibrate my finger to tap buttons either so I get owned in specials.

I played Katamari Damacy...not only was it veracious piety...I think it made me gay...O.o....It's kinda fun and stuff

Nobody reads this so why am I posting? Oh ya...so I can do this...

NEEDS MORE ANKO!!! ANKO ANKO ANKO ANKO ANKO ANKO ANKO ANKO A N K O!!! Mwahahahahaha, and Mid Boss...we could do with a little more Mid-Boss. I have to cosplay mid-boss, once I get my rock hard tasty abs, WASHERBOARD STYLE!! Glistening in the sun...you team killing fucktard.

If you people don't start reading my journal i'm gonna cut myself!!! Remember, send all complaints to blowme@fjukjoo.com and if you don't like the content of my journal, or feel it is inapropriate, you can bite my cock. (Tolarin here! Or just don't read. That's what we all do.... )

see, I can say whatever I want cuz you people don't read it!!! BWAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Anko break!! *stares at a picture of anko for hours*

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