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myOtaku.com: Anubis mon

Saturday, June 18, 2005

   Hey man look at me rockin' out I'm on the RADIOOOOOOOOOOO

hey, i've responded on your journals...SO READ MINE DAMNIT!! :p I promise I will post more

Okay....updates....ummm...Been arcading a lot....uh....

AHHHH!!! Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst is awesome! I'm addicted. Tolarin needs his hunters license so I have people to play with grrr

Eh...oh ya...anko..i guess...I'm kina burnt out on anko...nobody likes anko....they'll never bring her back....*sigh* oh well!! on to hotter chicks!! mmmm...tenten....O.O..uh, I mean...bah

I'm the DDR KING!!! Bwahahahahaha, like the burger king...but I dance. The only person still better than me is newbeh, I think he's still better...O.o...of course he has to turn the colors off :p hahaha, DE COLORES!!!! DE COLORES!!!!!

Pwned! I'm naruto 2 champion tho...kinda...we're all pretty equal between me mint and phlinx, we are the top 3...*psst...but i'm the best...haha*

Now....gaze upon insanity....
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QUESTION BOX TIME!!! (aka shoutouts)

Mint: your sitting right there!!

Tolarin: hurry up and get your debit card in the mail so we can play!


ok i'm tired of it....haha only got halfway through 'em :p

BYE! look for updates!!! no more anko!!!

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