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myOtaku.com: Anubis mon

Sunday, July 17, 2005

   Rising Storrrrrrrrrrrrmmmm!!!!!!111!!1one!1
Um...ya...I play lotsa KOF now, and Terry Bogard is awesome...Iori is too but there's not enough room for Iori, just Terry, Rock, Yuri and Athena...well that's still a lot I guess. WORSHIP ATHENA DAMN YOU!!!! SHE IS YOUR GODDESS!!!! Worship me too, but you must also worship Athena.

Oh, I guess I should talk about my life too, rather than just the awesomeness of Terry the fucking lone wolf Bogard! Uh...I work and stuff....This weekend we've been hanging out with Tolarin. We made an adventure to my mom's house in which Mint and Tolarin drank booze and swam in the pool, which is good, cuz in the water....if your drunk...when you fall down it doesn't hurt! That's what mint said anyway. I stayed inside and fed her stupid gluttonous mag to make it into a kitty mag, looked for the pictures of terry that are in here now, and talked to sugar_snakes. then we went home.

Mark came over when we got home! Me and tolarin watched the Fatal Fury OAV and it was friggin awesome, i don't care what you say! It just proves even further that Terry is the fucking shiznit. Andy can go suck a dick, cuz he didn't get chosen to learn the final technique. And tolarin bought robotech for PS2 and they took it away from him and now this is where we are at presently. I'm gonna stop writing now and go have fun and probably play robotech. Later!

May your cup always be full and your hands never empty. - Yasuki quote

nobody gets shout outs, I feel it is to alienating to the people I don't know well enough to give them to, plus, I forget people and it makes them sad. It is a hurtful journal habit and it shouldn't be done!!!! OBEY AND WORSHIP ME!!!! AND ATHENA!!!! BUT MOSTLY ME!!!! NO STOP LOOKING AT HER AND WORSHIP MEEEEEEE!!!

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