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myOtaku.com: Anubis mon

Friday, July 29, 2005

   Wow, I'm alive
Heh....what a week....I guess I'll start from the begining.

First, the usual PSO update! I am now the hero!!! Screenshot coming soon (as soon as I cut Tolarin out of it XD) I can now pwn hard mode but i'm not finding any rares and minty gave me a sword that looks like a Zabuza sword but I can't use it not by a long shot grrrrrrrrarrrr!!! Oh well, soon zabuza-style pwnage will be myne bwaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa!!!!

*Ahem..* Uh...ya...been getting injured a lot. Uh...wednesday I got an almost-concussion! I was under a stupid all-wheel drive fucking fag car trying to turn the flywheel, when the 20 or so lb drive shaft which was just kinda barely hanging on above me came down and knocked the shit outta me. I hit the ground not really understanding what was going on. I sat there for a while with my brain swimming around in my skull and my whole body trying to go numb. It suked...at least it wasn't a concussion ne? -.-

Well, after that bit of fun, Thursday I was having a better day, was all ready to go home, got about 20 feet from the shop when I friggin T-boned this dude's car when he was trying to turn into the same parking lot I was. I was in the shoulder passing the backed-up traffic and I didn't see the hole they left him. He just kinda flew in there and I didn't have enough time to stop. Next thing I know it feels like the air bag was more like a spring loaded brick in my face and there was smoke (which later i found out was air bag powder) everywhere. Totally destryoed the frong passenger side corner of my car, I dunno if It's worth fixing, but at least It wasn't claimed as my fualt. Damnit! That thing had brand new tires on it too!!!! GRRRR!! Well, I'm okay, the dude was okay, everyone was fine except for our cars. I feel sorry for him tho, he had JUST bought it, and it was a 2006 Toyota Camery Solar. BRAND FRIGGIN NEW. Wow, I would have been pissed, but he was very calm about it. I bet my face will be hurting in the morning.


yes....i'm so exausted. So sorry everyone, I won't be able to go out and hang out for a while untill this is resolved -.- if i'm lucky geiko will pay for a rental car for me (ya right.)


Sugar_snake: I am not a fanboy!!! ...Mostly....O.o

Newbeh: Yes, you are nothing but a figment of my imagination. The manatee is real...don't you DARE say she's not!!!

Neji: Ya, i HATE the short hair!! Tolarin and mint like it for some reason...i friggin HATE it she needs to keep her cute long hair

Tala: Sorry! Due to my wreck we can't go to Le fun on friday!!! *snifflez* Don't worry we will hang out as soon as I have a car again ^-^()()

Sugar_snake: Ya you should get un-grounded, just suck up a LOT. We will all get to hang out someday...

Phlinx: Yes...yes it is. But now i have a zabuza sword!!!! Still 100+ points away from using it grrr!!!

Alora: No! No drinking! Your underage!

Zabuza-kun: MY ARMY OF DARKNESS IS NOT GAY!!! IT HAS A CHICK!!! At least I don't cosplay a gay guy.....*looks at orochimaru* Okay maybe I KINDA do..but at least he doesn't rape Sasuke on a nightly basis like zabuza rapes haku.....I think.....oh fine I like yaoi who cares (espesically oroXkabu *drool*)! Plus you can't be sugoi unless Tolarin and mint deem so, and they don't just pass that shit out :p And for your information, I have been deemed sugoi BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!11!!1111!!11!ONE

okay, i'm exausted...bedtime! later everyone!!! i'm grounded now lol

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