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myOtaku.com: Anubis mon

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

   Holy crap I have a life!!!11!11!!!!1
Ya....lotta stuff happens....lets start from uh..Friday!

Y'know....I can't remember much about Friday or saturday or even sunday....O.o....I don't think I did all that much except hang out with Phlinx and Mint and Tolarin...oh and sunday Eric went and got suger_snake and she came over to hang outzors. She pet my cat and threw the stuffed animals at me and laid on the floor a lot XD they went to Le Fun but I didn't go...then when they came back they brought newbeh and we pwned Naruto 3. when they were leaving suger_snake kissed the window or something and I ran outside after them, when they saw me they turned to run but Newbeh TOTALLY tripped suger_snake and she fell down. Newbeh denies it but it's true!!! I saw it. So watch out if your around Newbeh he'll friggin trip you! He's already trained my cat to do it!

Monday! We went to main event it was friggin fun! We almost didn't go there cuz the games didn't work and they called us to say they'd go to Le Fun. I was just about to go up to ME anyways just to hang out before they left when they called and said they were staying. When we got there a lotta people were already there. At first we all just kinda stood around bored and not knowing what to do....we watched mark rock climb, he tried to race a little girl cuz he's horrible like that XD. I saw you fail....don't pretend like you didn't. Tala ran off into the woods a lot and SD friggin jumped in there like a crazy dude it was awesome.

It was about that point that people started ending up attached to my pants. O.o I guess people really wanna get in there XD. At first Pockyman and that Jade girl kept tieing me to things with the chains....then just started attaching themselves to my chains and non-working handcuff. It was funny having slaves attached to me XD.

Eventually we all ended up out front again, causing bodily harm to people. Dark_angel_freya was selling kewl stuff, but I had no money to spend T_T. Then I started slaving suger_snake around and she obeyed me! Bwahahahahaha!!! She told me her friends were afraid of us so I went over and said "Hi Tabby's friends! I understand your scared of me! XD" And one of them came over and gave me a hug so I guess they weren't anymore XD. I then demonstrated my mastery over suger_snake and they were amazed at my ease of command over her XD. Tinted kept flirting with me but he's not my man-crush anymore. Sorry tinted XD. Eventually I just attached my suger_slave to my pants and didn't let her go XD. Pockyman too it was kewl, then Jade attached herself to my handcuff and I led them around.

I played DDR in my huge boots! That fuckin hurt! O.o Anyways, last night Alora and Newbeh came over and I apologized to suger_snake over IMz for him maliciously assaulting her with tripping power. She cried and said she didn't want to hurt anymore. do you see what you've done newbeh!!!?!?!? You tripping fiend, don't hurt her anymore!!!11!111!!!1one!1

Shout outs!

Ian: Your fun to hang out with I won't pick on you anymore

Tala: XD! Don't run away from us anymore!!

suger_snake: Good slave! XD Don't worry I won't take advantage of you.....too much.....XD

Mint: Your sleeping! Shhh..

Phlinx: Hope you enjoyed your birthday! XD!!

Newbeh: Stay away tripping fiend!

Tolarin: Have fun with your stories XD

Neji: why am I the one you would strangle Homer Simpson style!?!? O.o


Okay I'm done now! Off to work! Love you all!!! XD

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