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myOtaku.com: Anubis mon

Saturday, September 24, 2005

   Some Hurricane.....
Ya, went out running all of my errands last night...zomg it took forever because of all the people running around in an idiot panic. Went to wal-mart...couldn't get HALF the groceries I needed because they were GONE! K....I don't care if the hurricane is CAT 9....we live 400 miles inland, with nothing but hills from here to the coast....any hurricane we get is gonna be a happy little thunderstorm by the time it gets here....and EVERYONE in Austin is having a brain annurism. I can understand the gas situation, seeing as how the refineries on the coast are shut down...but hoarding food and water 400 MILES INLAND!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE???? People nowadays must be pretty freaking gullible to so easily give in to government and corporate fear tactics to make you easier to control and buy businesses out of their products so they can make a very sudden billion dollars in profits.

Ugh...it all makes me so mad....oh, and sorry to anyone who tried to get me on my phone last night....the battery died pretty early into my trip.

Oh look....CLEAR SKIES!! ZOMG NO THIS HURRICANEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! ......I swear to God people are the most ignorant animal I've ever seen in this world.

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