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myOtaku.com: Anubis mon

Thursday, December 1, 2005

....I sense a powerful hatred eminating from my comments....o.O

Naruto 4 is pretty cool! As Zappa put it a while ago tho...it's more like Naruto 3.5. Some moves are cooler...they took out the stupid low-life specials and you can just do 'em all as secondary specials any time....some characters have been either enhanced or toned down....

The part that sux the most is....to get all the kewl ppl n stuff....I have to do like, 120 missions before all the characters are unlocked!!! All the missions I'm getting take 10 minutes at a time too!!!

Grrr!!! No Haku till mission 40......no Kimimaro till level 35....gawd!!! EVERYONE is still in it...they didn't take anyone out they just added more

Like the sound 5...they are pretty good characters. Tayuya's the coolest new character so far XD

K! That's it!!

Today's Quote: "NO! GO TO STAR!!"


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