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| ApprentiWizzard
Friday, March 23, 2007
Advice day: self-defense
Self-defense is not always a counter attack or any sort of combat tactic it is knowing you limits and how to protect yourself. I’m going to use two different situations and change ether people involved and/or names.
1. Situation one:
Location: School/ public facility
Topic: Bulling
Tactic: Voice
You’re a person who is being bullied constantly. You not good at phycaily defending your self, but you have a strong will. You figure that is you let this happen that it will stop. That is not what is happening. They keep tormenting you over and over again. This time you had enough; Choice- 1 yell for help: this my not always work put there are times when yelling it will get someone’s attention and they will come and help. Every one has the eager to help, but are hidden deep with in that it always doesn’t come out; 2 that this last torment pass and report it to someone with higher power. Teacher, counselor, social worker, parent, police. This is the order that is best to follow.
2. Situation two:
Location: Home
Topic: abuse
Tactic: evidence collection, reporting, details, escape
Abuse is common. And can not be avoided no matter how far back we push it back in our minds. You come home after a long day at school. And you r brother is cooking dinner. You set your bag down. He latches out at you. He cuts you with a small kitchen knife. You have to thing fast: in this situation if this is the first time that this has happened physical defense is your best option. If you know pressure points hit them. Since in the situation it is a guy the best bet is the groin. The other alternative is, for ether gender, the nose. More defined is the cartilage under the nose. This will give you the chance to run away. If it happens repeatedly record the date, time, what happen, and what was used. This way you have documentation of what happened. It is also best to have picture as actual proof of the injuries. When you feel you have enough take you documentation picture and report them to the police. The police are the best in this situation because most likely they will take imitate action.
You need to know your limits. And ways to prevent thing from happening. Know what to do is your best defense agenst any thing. Sexual abuse does happen and when that does report it to the police immediately if you are unable to get away.
If there is any thing you have for next week just pm me. I am on at least five times a week.
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