Birthday • 1987-10-13 Gender •
Female Location • In the computer chair, if I'm not there I'm at work, if I'm not there I'm with Jennifer, if I'm not with her I probably just want to be alone. Member Since • 2005-06-28 Occupation • F & P's most bored employee Real Name • They call me Darcie
Achievements • I found a new job!!!!! Anime Fan Since • Forever... and ever Favorite Anime • Hellsing, Midori no hibi, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Gundam Wing, Rurouni Kenshin, Sailor Moon, Howl's moving Castle, and many many more!!!! Goals • World domination AND Decomission the one they call KEITH!!!!!!!!! Hobbies • reading, hangin' wit my best buddies!!! (you know who you are!!! I heart you!) and taking over the world, Saxaphone, studying, blowin' stuff up, and handling my cat farm. Hunting Keith in the dark of the night!!! hanging with my stinky Kipp Talents • My ever so awesome stupid human trick!!! who else in the world can reverse their belly button? That's right folks it's reversable!!!! Aquatica
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Let the bodies hit the floor?
Yesterday I got to school and was grabbed in the hall before first block and told that if I didn't get out to the bus they were going to leave me...
I had completely forgotten that select members of our Bio class as well as a few of McCOys other students were going to the bodies exhibit.
SO what can I say about bodies...
It was amazing!!!
The bodies were tastefully displayed and It was terribly disturbing until we got to the Baby gallery...
They swear that the babies weren't aborted but...
It was still sad beyond sad...
At just a few weeks they had toes!
Like they were very visisble, so small...
So very very small...
The man who drove our bus didn't stay in that part...
I don't blame him, after I saw that I know abortion is wrong and how beautiful babies are especially in their smallest states...
imagine something the size of a lima bean with toes and arms and legs and a desire to live so strong that it moves away from the needle that will soon take its life...
In a word the exhibit was informative, despite the baby exhibit, the whole thing was extremely helpful in understanding disease.
I could pick out the vein that was used in my grandmothers heart sergery and I could see the brain of a stroke victim, and we saw many smoke damages lungs. For the adult bodies it was extremely helpful...
And as for the title of this post.
they had a comment book and someone left this as their comment.
Well not really sleepy...
Hey all I'm back did you miss me?
I missed you all but I was with the band...
We had fun and I got lots of cool pics that I'm going to have to figure out how to scan for you all so you can see all of the cool stuff I saw!!!
I got lost in ( I can't spell) Bush Gardens!!!
I can't navigate.... AT ALL!
It was interesting because me and Mal, my walking buddy were looking for twenty min. and got Directions from like a million people before we actually found the Black forest, when in doubt go to Italy and ask someone who doesn't have a firm grasp of English, They are most helpful because their instructions were the only ones that helped!!
I sooo have bus lag!!
I advise you all to use public transportation but ummm. my urge only goes as far as 12 hours on a charter bus. After 12 hours I don't like buses no more.
all I could think about was running a marathon home. Illogical I know but I would have felt more full filled.
KUDOS TO MVT for spending two whole days ona bus going to New York!!
I would have gone insane or even worse sane!!!
well I'll be back later all I gotta go put on my wet clothes because I would seem my dryer doesn't want to dry them any more.
There was a light in the darkness!!!
well umm... I don't have a million pages of trig to make up from where I've been out of class for two days!!!
Plus tonight I get to hop aboard a charter bus and ride to Virginia!!!
I wont be back until sunday but I'll take lots of pictures and maybe scan them so you all can see what mad things I've been up to.
Two of the three girls I'm staying with plan on being evil to the mystrious other girl ion our room and we have our Bob as a our chaperone, we aren't going to be watched at all!!!!
well anywho everyone send your sympathy to Ishtar she has a huge paper due and isn't allowed to follower her own idea with the paper!
well i gotta go and make sure the boys in my groupo have started their parts of our group project...
if you don't stay on top of them they tend to get distracted and do other stuff. Comments (1) |
Hey everyone!!
Wow I woked up grumpy this morning...
but let me tell you why.
I woke up and had literally 5 min to get out and catch the bus, so there I go running around my house at breakneck speeds tryin to find clothes and well...
Nothing was working out.
well needless to say I got out side three min late but everything was fine then the bus flew by!!
Talk about frustration!!!
Well I put on the socks and shoes that I carried up to the bus stop and proceeded to get ready to walk down to the next point where one can catch the bus when ISHTAR'S bus picked me up!!!
Well I was cranky and so I was kinda rude but I appologiesed a while bunch because after i woke up good I decided that it wasn't her fault that the morning had gone so poorly.
well Gosh Aqua has been haveing a bad week...
But It will get better because after wednesday she is going on vacation to Virginia Beach!!!