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In the computer chair, if I'm not there I'm at work, if I'm not there I'm with Jennifer, if I'm not with her I probably just want to be alone.
Member Since
F & P's most bored employee
Real Name
They call me Darcie
I found a new job!!!!!
Anime Fan Since
Forever... and ever
Favorite Anime
Hellsing, Midori no hibi, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Gundam Wing, Rurouni Kenshin, Sailor Moon, Howl's moving Castle, and many many more!!!!
World domination AND Decomission the one they call KEITH!!!!!!!!!
reading, hangin' wit my best buddies!!! (you know who you are!!! I heart you!) and taking over the world, Saxaphone, studying, blowin' stuff up, and handling my cat farm. Hunting Keith in the dark of the night!!! hanging with my stinky Kipp
My ever so awesome stupid human trick!!! who else in the world can reverse their belly button? That's right folks it's reversable!!!!
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 12/14/05:
Your hair colour is the expression of calmness in your soul. You love to watch the waves hit against the shore and the way it sparkles during the day. You choose your own decisions threw life and make the best out of things that have turned out wrong. Your soul has deep feelings engraved into it and that sometimes is the best thing. But you should watch that those feelings never explode and tear you apart!
COLOUR MEANS: the truth, inner knowing, control and peace with-in-yourself. But even this colour has some negative effects like loneliness, depression and at times self doubt.
Jewel/Symbol: The Wave and the Sapphire
Which Hair Colour Represents you Best? [With Anime pics!] brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/11/05:
 ~Inu Yasha~
Kagome lives with a normal family. A Normal life she has. But somehow she ends up in a strange fedual Japan,when she was taken by a centipeed demon. It appears that Kagome is the reincarnation of the priestess Kikiyo. When Inuyasha smells Kagome's blood, he mistakens her as Kikiyo. Inuyasha the half dog demon, acts rude to Kagome, and didnt seem to care one bit about her. But Kagome ends up shattering a jewel, that appeared to be in her body. The jewel seems to give full power or make a half demon full demon. So how long do you think it'll take Inuyasha and Kagome, to collect all the jewel pieces when they are spread every. Inuyasha is an Action, Romance, and Comedy anime.
What anime are you? Pics, some are Chibi brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/11/05:
 You are Silver! Silver was one of my first friends, and best friends. Silver is a hyper and random person. She can get easily entertained by the smallest things. Like just watching the fish swimming around. She has a big family, but doesnt really get along with them that well. Silver is a really optimistic person, but is protective with her friends. She is annoys me easily, she has a thing for grammer and wont leave me alone about it right now. Silver has painful nails, loves food, likes hot guys, a love for penguins and pirates!
Her quizilla names are roronoaZOROchic19, DragonMaster1025, or ThreeEyedElf. Take her quizzes damnit! And rate em! Lmao. Yeah so you're silver... rate this quiz, too.
Which one of my friends are you? Girls mostly but Boys can too. Pics (Add more Results) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/11/05:
Result Posted on 12/11/05:
Result Posted on 12/11/05:
Result Posted on 12/10/05:
Result Posted on 12/10/05:
 The time of day that best describes your personality is Evening. You are a quiet, shy person with a very kind disposition. You are also quite intelligent, mostly because you love to read. You are open-minded and your social circle probably consists mostly of other intelligent people who share similar interests with you. You dont particularly care for big, noisy parties full of strangers, but you do enjoy an occasional get-together with your pals.
What Time of Day Best Represents your Personality? (anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/10/05:
 If you were an anime character your most distinctive feature would be your clothing. Since clothing is the most easily changed part of a person, this implies that you are ALWAYS changing how you look and act. Not necessarily in a bad way, though. Chances are you are a bright individual who knows how to change your attitude to suit whatever environment you are faced with at the time. This allows you to have as many (or as few) friends as you want because you know how to keep pretty much everyone happy.
What Would be your Most Distinguishing Physical Feature as an Anime Character? (anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/10/05:
 You, actually, dont sleep. There are just too many things for you to do and see! Why spend half your life lying in bed instead of enjoying everything life has to offer?! Its not that you are ridiculously hyper (usually), you just have a far greater appreciation for life than most people. Chances are youre very optimistic and probably a little bit random sometimes, but people love you for your happiness. Keep smiling! Make someone's day! ^_^
How do you Sleep? (Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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