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In the computer chair, if I'm not there I'm at work, if I'm not there I'm with Jennifer, if I'm not with her I probably just want to be alone.
Member Since
F & P's most bored employee
Real Name
They call me Darcie
I found a new job!!!!!
Anime Fan Since
Forever... and ever
Favorite Anime
Hellsing, Midori no hibi, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Gundam Wing, Rurouni Kenshin, Sailor Moon, Howl's moving Castle, and many many more!!!!
World domination AND Decomission the one they call KEITH!!!!!!!!!
reading, hangin' wit my best buddies!!! (you know who you are!!! I heart you!) and taking over the world, Saxaphone, studying, blowin' stuff up, and handling my cat farm. Hunting Keith in the dark of the night!!! hanging with my stinky Kipp
My ever so awesome stupid human trick!!! who else in the world can reverse their belly button? That's right folks it's reversable!!!!
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 01/24/06:
Result Posted on 01/24/06:
Result Posted on 01/24/06:
 You are a shy girl who doesn't talk much. You
hardly ever let people see how you feel and
would do anything for anybody!
What Type of girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/24/06:
 Dreamwalking is your specialtiy.
You are a person with a huge imagination, and would
rather live in their imaginary world than the
real one. You love to sleep, because when you
do, you get to live in your dreams. In your
dreams, you see things that might come true,
and at some times they do. You can
interperate any dream, whether it be yours or
someone elses and most of the time, you are
acurate. Many people may look down upon you
because of the fact that you don't seem to
see the problems of the real world, but you
do. You just want to escape them, and your
dreams and imagination is where you can find
that solace.
Everyone has a secret ability. What is yours? (7 answers with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/24/06:
 Your a Black cat thing. Normally black cats
represent evil or bad luck, but this one
doesnt. Being a black cat your probably very
stolid and alone. Although your usually quiet
and calm, when needbe you can be sneeky and
cunning just as any cat would. People dont
understnad you and judge you before getting
to know you. Being outside and taking in the
fresh air makes you feel better. In your
little group of friends your the quiet, smart
one, unless you have no friends then...nvm.
Doesnt this picture rock? ^_^
What type of half animal thing are you? (cool anime pics+ 7 results) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/24/06:
Result Posted on 01/23/06:
Result Posted on 01/23/06:
 You are a Peacekeeper!
You don't fight with weapons. The only thing you
use is your voice and your words. You despise
killing, and wish that people can find other
solutions to their problems. Whenever a
problem arises, you try to look at it in
every different angle before choosing the one
that would benefit the parties involved. You
are a strong person at heart, and would never
use a weapon to demonstrate your strength.
Weapon: Voice
Value: peace
Feelings: Passionate and serene
What Type of Warrior are You. (For Girls AND Boys) Long quiz. Be prepared. brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/15/06:
Result Posted on 01/09/06:
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