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Member Since
Being myself =P
Real Name
Sayura (yes, that really is my real name)
Studied for 5 hours straight 0_o, Won 2nd place in a talent show for singing and a lot of other things ^^
Anime Fan Since
hm... good question...
Favorite Anime
It's a long list, you don't want to know...
To be the best anime artist I can be, and maybe try out for American Idol^^
Drawing(anime especially!), writing stories,playing computer games(anything, except violent stuff),and reading comic books!
Drawing anime and singing! I LOVE to sing!(can't say I can dance well...)
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Guestbook Entries:
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crien (03/15/07)
I really think that what you've drawn already looks really good, better then I've drawn.
Keep up the good work and if you don't mind I'm adding you as a friend :3
Michiyo24 (03/12/07)
Hey! Thanks for signing my guestbook. You're like me, I have to use a camera to take pics of my they're always a little off. I really like your art so far. I can't wait to see more!
kakashi fan girl (03/12/07)
i like the bg
animegirly2 (03/11/07)
Thanks for signing my gb!! XD I love your site, and your art work is really pretty!!! XD I can tell you like D.N. Angel! XD Well, thanks for adding me as a friend, I'll add you too!!!! XD See you soon!!! (^o~)v Peace!!!
star petals (03/06/07)
Thanks, I'm going to friend you too! :-)
Fire Fox Sakurie (03/05/07)
Baka! I haven't signed your guestbook yet. >.< *bangs head on table* lol.^^" Thank you so much for commenting on my art, you rock so hard! :D lol.^^ Sayonara for now!
| (03/04/07)
Heey there!
Thanks for the GB signature ;) Your art is so detailed, just love it^^ I see you're a fan of Lord of the Rings as well, the films are great. I haven't read the books yet, but i'm planning to =P
Adding you as a friend^^ Have a great day! ;)
SaxGirl (02/28/07)
hey there! I luv Lord of the Rings too, so I wanna add you as a friend^__^ and I luuuuuv your background it looks soo cool^_^ bye!
Sora Hanaki (01/08/07)
Hi there!
I just wanted to stop by and say hi.
And thankies for the PM.
I love your site and artwork.
Card Captor Sakura is awesome!
I'm going to add you as my friend, kay?
Stop by my site sometimes.
Bye bye.
Shi-sama07 (01/07/07)
Hey there its me shi-the destroyer (shi-chan) I had to get another account because this thing was acting like a retard so please just re-add me kay laterz!!
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