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myOtaku.com: aragorn1014

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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4evacrazi (08/09/07)

Hello! i really like your site! \(^3^)/ messege me wenever ok? i hope to be friends! bye bye!!


vampire kiss (08/08/07)

vampire kiss desu!
doozo yoroshiku onegasihimasu!
loveley page u have here..i checked your art..you have such a cute style..:P

well where do u live?id love to know what anime u like..maybe theres something i dont know and could watch..:P

take care,

v k

Suerte (08/08/07)

Hiya =) yes it's me, again =P I just wanted to sign "again" cuz well I thought I did. =) Your site is really good and I don't think I could draw as good as you can. Well Sayura I hope you can do good with your art and someday win a lot of prizes or something. Haha well bye Riiya! See you later! =)

angelxkisses (08/05/07)

hey thanks for signing! ^^ I like your site alot I'll be addin ya, PM me anytime! =) ttyl! xox

bibiholic (07/30/07)

Thanks a bunch Ara-chan!
Sure, I hope we can be great friends as well! && I shall be adding you back as well /A//
thanks again for liking my manga, twentieth trouble!

-Bibi -3-)9

CrimsonPearlVoice (07/28/07)

Hey! :3 Your site is so gorgeous!!! SQUEE!!!!! > w < Your art is beautiful too! I love it!!!! Heehee! I can't dance nether!!! XD I'm gunna add you okies? See ya!


DarkDestruction2 (07/18/07)

Thank you for stopping by my site. I thought I would ocme check yours out! Yea Sammy talks a lot about how great your art is. No problem for the comment! I meant every word of it! You are really an extrodinary artist! I bet you work really hard on your art! Well I also really love your site! Your background is very nice! I really look forward to getting to know you; you seem like a great person! I will add you!

Keep in touch =0)


red kie (07/17/07)

so you like the show jose hu i do too have you red marmalaid boy? its prity good

Shireishou (07/17/07)

Ur layout also great ^^
OIts been long time I dont accept guestbook entry since I never sign another GB too. lol Its fun to get new friends. ^^
Thx a lot. I'll add U
Btw do U already join Otaku Drawing Club by Nocturcylva (MAybe I'm wrong typing her name).
U must should follow it/. wehhe
Ok. I'll add U
sorry for my bad English

rj007 (07/17/07)

awesome syt love the bg hope we can become friends ill add u

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