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myOtaku.com: aragorn1014

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Hiya Everyone! ^^
This week is going by VERY SLOWLY, but I'm learning to manage ^^
I'm really sorry if I haven't come by all of your sites lately and not really been replying to your PMs, but when the week is over I'm going to post up A LOT of pics ^^ I have all of your requests and art trades done, I just have to get them posted>.< It would be sooo much faster if I had a working scanner....

And Fire Fox Sakurie, let me know if you want me to just post up the art trade this week and if you still need time to finish your part! ^^ Take your time, if you haven't finished ^^

Anyways, I hope you guys are doing great ^^ I'll try and come by when I can, but this week is absolutely CRAZY^^
The avatar was hand-made by the way in MS paint ^^
See you all!

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