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myOtaku.com: aragorn1014

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Hiya! ^^

How is everyone? ^^

Anyways, I have TONS of work to do... and some extra work I should start working ahead on >.< But I'll be okay! ^^
I submitted a pic some 15 hours ago... it's taking forever to get up here >.< But anyways, I think it came out great!^^

I've been trying to find out how to install this program for my scanner since my parents aren't really helping.. they don't really want to anyway...>.< I really want you all to see what's in my manga and see what you all think!^^

Well, here's the basic story line ^^;I hope it at least gets you guys somewhat interested!!

The story revolves around a regular school-girl (isn't this how all mangas start out?) in high school. *laughs* She's based on me, her name is Sayura ^^ But one day, her crush, Gaorith(interesting name, no?), tells her that he's actually in love with her best friend, Saikyi, and he just wants her help. A portal opens up and Sayura is thrown into another parallel world, where almost everything is the opposite, except...
She is the girl that is supposed to lead a magician(Saryujin) to the princess that he is in love with!(and that girl's name, I can't tell! ^_~)
The main question is: How will she get back?

Well, that's bascially it! ^^ It'll be a little more clear when I actually post the manga(hopefully I will fix this terrible scanner and get it up!>.<)
Anyways, I'll see you guys! Tell me how you all are doing, I really want to know! ^^

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