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myOtaku.com: aragorn1014

Thursday, July 19, 2007

>.< It won't post *sigh*
Well I submitted my contest entry for Shannen-chan and Mel-chan yesterday, but it STILL hasn't uploaded into my portfolio *sigh* I really want to show it to you guys, I'm sooo proud of how it came out! ^^
I tried perspective this time, and with the help of a million articles online about how to draw perspective, I managed it without a reference, yay!! ^^
By the way, I went golfing today! It was fantastical! ^^ Problem is, I didn't feel like going at all!
*panics* I hope I'm not too late for the contest, even though I told Shannen-chan it would be a day late! >.<
Oh, and I'm helping to spread the word! Hikarumi-chan's new friend, sparkle078 is pretty new, but she has awesome e-cards! Send a few and sign her guestbook! Don't forget to add her too! ^^ Lend her your support!
And thankies so much to all of you for getting me through my huge breakdown about Aiiro-chan's originality thing, you got me through my day! ^^ And I could sleep well that night! ^^
*hugs you all* »ç¶ûÇØ¿ä!<---if you can't read that, it says I love you!! ^^
Questions for you all!!
1)Did you enter Forever Gone and Emptyhead84's contest?
2)Do you have an older sister or brother?
3)I'm going to go swimming later...see you guys!

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