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myOtaku.com: aragorn1014

Saturday, September 8, 2007

New Art!! ^^
I finally got to scanning and submitting my giftie for you Sayoko-chan, so that will hopefully be up soon!(When it's up, I'll give you guys a link from here ^^)
I'm sooo glad it's the weekend! It's been REALLY crazy this week but I got through it yet again! YAY!
And Sayoko-chan, I'm thinking about what you said for the singing thing...but hm..I'm not really sure what I should do *sigh* But at least I know my parents support me about it!
Besides that, I'll be finishing up my art trades and everything ^^ Here's my list!

Art trades- Mew Kuro :timbermoonkiss
- Bear/goat girl :coolcat676

Requests- Mew for Frostpaw

And Sora-chan, if you don't think you'll have time to finish up the art trade, you can call it off, okies? ^^ I don't want you feeling too pressured about it!

So that's my short list! Art trades/requests are still open and if you have any contests, feel free to tell me! ^^
Besides all of that, I hope you all are doing well!! ^^ *hugs you all*
Take care!

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