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myOtaku.com: aragorn1014

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Yes, it's that time again...
School begins yet again this week *sigh*....

I just submitted the special project, I REALLY hope it shows up!

Kokoii-chan, I'm REALLY sorry I couldn't submit your giftie on time >.< My internet was having issues all this week, and I had to change the ink cartridge, so I probably can't submit until sometime later this week! Gomen ne!! But anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY KOKOII-CHAN!

In other news, it turns out my Mom TOTALLY shot down the idea of going over to Chris's house in flames -_____- go figure huh?

Also, if you haven't already make sure you stop by Sayoko-chan(RSRKingdomstars)'s manga page and vote! ^^

I officially decided I'm going to become a singer! I still haven't figured out with the whole college thing though.

And I'm glad you're doing better Miko-chan!

I AM WORKING ON ART TRADES AND REQUESTS, DO NOT WORRY! ^^ Okies? All linearts are done, but since I have a massive load of tests this week, don't expect them until the next few weeks or so.

I hope you all are doing well! I'm really sorry I haven't been commenting much, but again, I'm really busy! Good luck to everyone with what you have to do!! *hugs you all*

Questions for you all!
2)Are you ready to start school tomorrow?(Because I'm not -___-)

Take care everyone!!

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