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myOtaku.com: aragorn1014

Monday, October 8, 2007

Well today didn't make me SO happy but I won't stay down because I have another chance tomorrow! ^^ Our golf team had a match at Turkey Creek and it was TERRIBLE. I beat my worst score -_____- 66....ugh.
But there's always tomorrow! I can't stay down about it! ^^ It's at our homeground(which is my worst place), but I've been practicing there and hopefully I'll do well at the golf match against Colombia tomorrow!!!

But anyways!! If you haven't seen my new piccy and e-card, it would be great if you could check it out! You don't have to vote, I'll be happy if you just see ^^

Also, if you guys have anything new I missed, let me know!
My list is getting longer, but hey, I'm learning to deal with it! Thank you all for being patient with me!

Art trades:-Mew Kuro:Timbermoonkiss
-Girl with Music:Kishlove
-Bear/goat girl(by the way, it's almost done):Coolcat676
-Land of the Blindfolded:Sora Hanaki

Requests:-Mew for Frostpaw

Gifties/Projects:-KH Ultimate pt2
-Birthday giftie:Cherryshock
-Contest entry for NYAF

My birthday is this Sunday! SQUEE! The 14th(by the way)! And I'll be turning 14 ^^ I can't wait!
PLUS, expect a possible new, more mew-like outfit for Mew Sorai! I don't know if I'll keep it or not but I'm going to design one and see if you guys think it's pretty good and if I think it's pretty good ^^
Also, Hikarumi-chan I'm going to try designing an outfit for Taiyou!! ^^ I don't know if you'll like it but I'll try designing one like you asked!
That's pretty much it everyone!! And don't worry, I don't plan on dying on here! ^^ Take care everyone!!! *hugs you all*
Questions for you all!
1)How would you give a gift to a secret buddy?(I need suggestions >.<)
2)Any tests/quizzes coming up soon?
3)How do you think my first photoshopped piccy will come out? ^^ I'm going to try!
See you guys!! Don't get too tired!

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