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myOtaku.com: aragorn1014

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sorry everyone! It's been a bit since I posted! But really there hasn't been much to tell you about...
Well I found out that I might be getting a tablet for Christmas this year! ^^ And I've been working with Photoshop A LOT and I've gotten a few tips and tutorials that help me out!
There hasn't been too much going on besides that! I'll have Cherri-san's birthday piccy posted today!(I just submitted it) I hope you guys like it!
Hm...what else??? Oh yeah!! Speaking of Photoshop I've been trying to get accustomed to editing my manga pages on it but man it's soo hard.... >___< But I should get used to it after awhile...
I spent 6 hours on the chapter cover page and it's no where near done...T____T not to mention it's in black and white.
It's raining outside~
Art trades and requests are what I'll be getting to next! I have 2 more gifties I need to finish but since you guys have been waiting so impatiently I'll get to yours first >___<
That's pretty much it for me! I'll see you guys around~

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