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myOtaku.com: aragorn1014

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

1 Year~
Wow, it's been one year and almost all of you have known me since the beginning! ^^ My first friend ever that's still active today is Sora Hanaki, so thanks so much for being there Sora-chan!^^
Thankies so much to you, Sam-kun, you've known me longer than anyone here(just on maple though =P)!
I want to thank you all sooo much for being my friends! I would have never improved so much, learned so much, and seen so much in people if it weren't for you all! ^^ *huggles you all*

In other news, I SUBMITTED my piccy to theotaku YESTERDAY and it STILL hasn't shown up...I'm wondering if it sent or not T_____T
But I won't break the happiness of my year-a-verssary! ^^ Take care everyone!

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