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myOtaku.com: aragorn1014

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Gomen ne! ^^;
I said I'd probably have art posted yesterday! T___T I'll definitely have it posted for you today, promise!!

Anyways, hiya everyone! ^^ Today is just the typical day!

My friend is having girl problems at school, and he thinks that since this girl Susan(one of my friends) doesn't like him that he should give up on liking her all together. He really likes her and he talks about her everyday like there's no tomorrow but he figured out that she didn't like him. Do you think he should give up? I'm trying to give advice but I'm terrible at that ^^;

So right now I'm enjoying a nice bowl of fruit salad while I finish up on the blending in Kasa-chan's contest entry ^^ I REALLY like the results! I hope you guys do too!

And guess what, I BEAT FAKE RIKU! YEAH!(Sorry Panda-san) Now I'm at Ansem ^^; And he's REALLY annoying... -___-X "Submit! Submit!" Ugh...it gets tiring..

But besides that, there hasn't been too much going on! ^^ There was a conflict last night which is hopefully now resolved, and a few of you guys that were on the chat last night know about this.

Piccy TONIGHT! See you guys then!
Questions for you all!
1)Have you ever had a piccy and you keep saying you'll post it but then it ends up being WAY later than promised? ^^;
2)Can you dance and sing? Or just sing? Or just dance?
Take care everyone!

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