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myOtaku.com: aragorn1014

Saturday, February 9, 2008

*is dazed*
Hiya everyone~ *rubs eyes* I've been having a terrible headache lately and I decided to drag myself out of bed to let you guys know I'm not dead ^^;;; *faints* X___x
I'm REALLY REALLY sorry I haven't gotten around to updates but I've been sooo busy with Greek Drama Festival this week I haven't been able to 1)come on 2)draw properly or 3)concentrate! >___<
So well yeah ^^;;
Greek Drama Festival was great!~ ^^ Absolutely fantastical!~ I forgot my line for a second but I recovered with an evil laugh =P So it wasn't noticeable(I hope)~
I have to go play piano at a nursing home today X____x so hopefully my head feels better by then...
In art news, I've finished inking this piccy and I've decided that I will probably color it in colored pencil because I haven't done traditional art in a LOOONG time >___< It'll be my art trade with Kishlove from a LOOONNG time ago and my art trade with coolcat676 from a LOOONNNG time ago coming up next!
AND I'm making almost no progress on my manga! >___< Sooo much happened this week...
I'll be off everyone~ I have quite a bit to do ^^; take care!

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