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myOtaku.com: aragorn1014

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hiya everyone!~ ^^ Again...
Whew! It's been 3 days since I last wrote a post! Sorry about that everyone ^^; I've been working on my manga, finishing LOTS of school work and studying for tests! But guess what, NO HOMEWORK TODAY! YAY!!! ^^
Thankies everyone for your support for me finding them ^^ *huggles you all* I was just about to give up but then I found them =P
Well...my mom is out of town so it's just me and my sister and I have to say things are pretty tough without her ^^; cooking pasta isn't as easy as it looks 0___o
So I've been thinking A LOT about Riiya's story and KH1 outfit design and I've been wondering if I should redo her KH2 outfit design..*thinks*
But...I've pretty much figured out Riiya's story, so thank you Sayoko-chan, Hikarumi-chan and Sakurie-chan!~ ^^ Do you guys think I should redo Mew Sorai or Riiya's designs?
I'm beginning to think Sorai's design isn't mew enough (yes, I love the design) but still...I've gotten lots of comments about people liking the design and they think it's creative and I'm not sure whether I should try and change her outfit design or not...fot now I'm just experimenting ^^; so I'll find out later!
Um...in other art news if you haven't seen my latest piccy I would love it if you could! ^^ And also, since I've shown you guys my gaia art shop banner, I'd like you guys to see the shop as well!~ ^^

That's pretty much it! And I'm not dead ^^; I'll be getting to pms today! *huggles you all* Take care!
Questions for you all(after a long break)!~
1)Do you think I should redo any of my character designs?
2)Have you been getting on theotaku lately?
3)Anything I've missed?(I'm getting around to them today ^^)
Take care everyone!

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