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myOtaku.com: aragorn1014

Saturday, February 23, 2008

hiya everyone!~~
^^ I've been on gaia quite a lot lately because mostly everyone has either moved mostly onto there or nothing happens here >___< I wish theotaku wouldn't be this quiet sometimes. It makes it kind of lonely...a lot of my closest friends have left either temporarily or forever.
So well..I decided to reopen my art shop alone. Kittycat-chan and Sakurie-chan are too busy nowadays to keep it up with me, so I let them know. If you guys want a link to it, here it is:


Anyways, I've almost finished your gaia commission Sora-chan and I'm almost done with the sketches for kishloves and coolcat676's art trades ^^ YAY! So I'll be happy when I get those off my shoulders!
Until then, I shall be coming around here when possible!~ I'm really happy I don't have homework =P Take care everyone!

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