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myOtaku.com: aragorn1014

Saturday, March 1, 2008

^^ And...
It's been a LOOONGG while since I've posted!~ ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
sorry everyone about that~ I've been spending quite a bit of time on Gaia ^^;

Note, this next part is optional if you're sick of hearing me talk about counselling and such ^^;
[Well there isn't too much to say really... I had to go to counselling again, because Victoria lashed at me again.
We agreed to be on good terms, like don't yell at each other when we see each other. So everything was going okay...
There was ANOTHER pop quiz in Spanish on Thursday that I hadn't known about. It was REALLY short, like 5 questions long and we only had 5 minutes to do it.
The next day I thought we were supposed to have a quiz in Spanish because some of the other classes got it, but we hadn't yet. So early in the morning I was talking about the quiz I thought we were going to have today to one of my friends.
Everything was going okay. THEN, at lunch, I come to sit with my friends, and Victoria yells at me like crazy and says "OMG I forgave you last time for not apologizing(and at this I was like WHAT IN THE BLAZES?! because I apologized she just plugged her ears and didn't listen to me) and now you try and lie about another quiz AGAIN! I am FURIOUS, I can't believe that you'd try and pull another one over on me AGAIN!"
So I was like "what the heck?!" because I had absolutely NO IDEA what she was talking about. She was talking about the short quiz that was lik 5 questions long and I was talking about a different quiz this morning. -___-X And she thought I was lying.
I don't get it, it's like whenever I try and say something someone WANTS to misinterpret it *sighs*
I said "Okay, you said you wanted to be on good terms with me but you know what, if YOU'RE the one yelling at ME, I wouldn't exactly call it an agreement. And you know what else? That was a DIFFERENT quiz, it had NOTHING to do with you and not telling you about it. I don't have to tell you EVERY SINGLE QUIZ we have. You can think about it in the wrong sense if you want, I can't stop you from what you think."
And then she says "Yeah, I WILL think about it that way."
And she doesn't bother to think MAYBE she's wrong about something.
Anyways, so that was what happened. I tried to get on good terms with her but I guess she didn't want it, even though she's the one who tried to in the first place.]

So yeah, in art news I've been finishing up my commissions for gaia pretty well ^^ My other computer is having issues so I haven't really been able to finish up my art trades too well T___T BUT I WILL get them done! *nods*
I really hope you guys are doing okay!~ I'm currently eating carrots =P(that was random ^^:)
Take care everyone!~
Oh, and does anyone know where you can find Mystery Goo in KH1? I have absolutely NO IDEA where >.<

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