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Friday, January 27, 2006
Listen, the coconut is right.
More pictures soon, but I'm very tired right now and it's been a long week and today hasn't started off as well as I would have liked.
Boys are just trouble. I wish I didn't like them so much. Also, I need a better plot line for my love life right now. This whole "oh look at that, one of my best guys friends seems to have a crush on me" thing is really starting to get old. Am I destined never to have really close but purely platonic relationships with guys? I just don't get it.
School is still as hectic as ever. Italian 3 means I have homework every night, and I actually have l'esame on Lunedì, so that's nice. But the good news is that I'm finally getting the hang of this whole "studying every fucking night" thing again. And I've got intramural soccer on Tuesdays, which helps. And of course, free SLB movies. We're going to see The Princess Bride at midnight tonight. Probably with the rest of campus. So we'll be there early, yeah? Slightly.
I've got letters to send that I've been hoarding in my desk for a couple of weeks now. And they've even got stamps, so I can't use that excuse. I know I'm absentminded sometimes, but really, there's a line.
I WENT TO TARGET YESTERDAY AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL. I bought new bed sheets, and they're all bright and colorful and I love them. Finally, a bed with character! And one that I am going to take a nap on right about now. So, cheers, toodles, tally-ho, and so forth. |
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Saturday, January 21, 2006
Chapter UNO
Buon giorno, i ragazzi!!
(Look at me, practicing my italiano. I am so studious.)
It's been a pretty horrible week, let's be honest. I have had practically no time to myself, tons of homework and studying, and every single one of my teachers has the idea that their class is the only one really worth a damn and that I can devote myself entirely to it. So that's not really working out too well.
But oh well, sink or swim. I'll figure out what needs to be done and kick all their asses. Or slash their tires and burn down their homes, whatever comes first.
The Blues Brothers? on the Underground? Amazing! These guys are two of my friends, and I've actually known Chris, the kid on the left, since third grade. He's also one of my friends who miraculously signed up for the same abroad semester without either of us planning it. w00t.
Incredibly Sexy Roommates! I shared a bedroom with these lovely ladies all semester long. If they knew I was showing you this picture, they would kill me in a heart beat. Chana, the girl on the left, always walked around in her robe or in a sheet like that. She's half Swedish. Emily, the other girl, is just crazy.
Yours truly, bitches. In real life I really am that charming.
CRICKET Crowds over at Regents Park. For the England vs. Australia game they had up these huge screens and tons of people in and around London came in to watch. It was amazing, and incredibly fun. I've never seen so many drunk people in one place.
Open Air Theatre at Regents Park. I saw the play H. M. S. Pinafore here and it was so awesome. The play is hysterical, and even though it rained the entire time (they even stopped the performance once because of it), I still had a great time. I miss it.
Looking over pictures, though, I realize that I pretty much miss everything about London. So. |
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
I would never hurt Sawyer, his drawl is far too sexy.
Things I have named:
- I have a Lucky Bamboo plant, and her name is Petunia.
- My computer's name is Charles Williams (or Chucky Wills to those that really know him), named after the nice guy who sold it to me.
- My ipod's name is Squirtle.
- My stereo's name is Pikachu.
- My printer's name is Steve.
- I think that once upon a time, I had a name for my cell phone but I don't remember what it is now. I want to say Pippin, but I'm just not sure that flies.
- I also need to name my cameras, especially since my mom gave me her old digital and I now need to differentiate between the two.
- I have a lot of stuffed animals, but I will just stick with the ones I have with me: The raccoon is aptly named Coon, the kittie's name is Rupert, and my precious little pony's name is Petrus.
- I should name my lamp because then I could be ridiculous (-ly stupid) and proclaim that I have turned [insert lamp's name here] on and off and so on and so forth.

New segment for the time being, although this is merely a preview since I have class in half an hour. But expect lots of fantastic pictures, gosh darn it! Pictures from all over the world!!
...yep. |
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Sunday, January 15, 2006
Some of you may have noticed that I have a new address for the new year. It's above. You probably don't even have to scroll to see it. So, for those that don't have the new one... or never had an address in the first place and have desperately wanted to write me long letters confessing their undying love, well there you go.
Michael-maroo: I think I was pompous before I left, so I don't know how much I can do for you there. But since I like you, I will try to get on and spread the joy and so on and so forth.
Charlicious: ...... You.
Swedish Empress: Sure, you can move in any time but you'll have to share the space with the shrine I made out of bubble gum in your honor. >_>;
Also, I love you forever and a half for that quote. lol
Annsie-baby: >_> ..... <_< ...... *dances Spongebob-like with you*
SARA!!!!!!!: Heh, I didn't get the postcard but if it got sent home (the winter park one?) then I'll call and see if it came. I think I need your current address, though, so we'll have to do some swapping. Kind of like that ridiculous Mom-Swap thing but... not so ridiculous, and with no matriarchs involved.
Okay, so. Long weekend this weekend, whoo. It's Sunday, but it feels like a Saturday because we have Monday off. So all in all, it's pretty cool. At surface level, at least. And then I remember all the homework that I need to finish and that goddamn preliminary test for Shakespeare that is 12. 5% of my grade that is on FUCKING TUESDAY and then I want to shoot myself in the head.
As it is, I'm making waffles for breakfast, so I might die anyway. Jen is coming over and we'll scarf them down (scarf?) and then we'll probably go to Starbucks and chill for a little bit. But we also need to feed her car and until financial aid hits we're a wee bit low on cash. Oh, it's good to be back. ( eh heh -_-;; )
In other news (wow I say that one a lot), I joined Hero Patrol so now you all have to read it. It's going to be really ridiculously fun to post in, and pretty silly all around. Whoo for that. I'm looking at Liam's RPG as well because I'm definitely interested but I'm fearful about time, and about that kind of RPG in general. Haven't done a lot of those. But it would be a great challenge too, I think, which I need more of when it comes to writing. So we'll see.
All right, time for WAFFLES, yo! |
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Oh, snap!
So, not only am I back in the old U. S. "Still cooler than Cambodia" of A., I'm back on campus. Holy hell. More adjusting, and I've had fucking homework to do all week long. I've forgotten what that's like, homework. Real, actual, I-have-to-sit-down-now-for-a-couple-hours-and-try-and-relearn-Italian kind of shit. It's been a long week already, and it's only Wednesday. The weekend is going to be really great, though, because it's three days long and I've got plans for Friday and Saturday. Exciting. But mostly, I just can't wait to sleep forever.
This semester is going to beat me back into shape though, as far as actual studying goes. I think I'm going to have a lot to do, between the three different English classes I have, and then with Italian and the Italian art history class... yeah. It's gonna be fun. And I mean that in both a literal and sarcastic manner.
In other news, I am in love with my living arrangements. For once I didn't get screwed over. New Hall (so creatively named) is a little more expensive, but it's apartment style and it's worth it. Who freaking cares if I never see my roommates? I'm not paying to make friends, I'm paying for my own room, and for a nice kitchen and bathroom. And CLOSET SPACE. Hallelujah.
What? What am I listening to right now, you ask? Well, let me tell you! Mostly Damien Rice, Rufus Wainwright, and assorted soundtracks. RahXephon and Crouching Tiger, but also some of The Life Aquatic, Charlie Brown, and Jen has me listening to Rent and other lovely broadway tracks. So. There's some nice variety in there.
I also recently saw Memoirs of a Geisha, and I really enjoyed it. I love the book, and although it's not entirely true to it (but when is a movie ever, really?), I think that they captured the essence of it well enough. There were parts of the book, little details here and there, that I really wanted to see in the movie that weren't but I guess I'll get over it eventually.
Also saw Brokeback Mountain. It was great, just like everybody is saying. Lots of hot man on man action. I'm also hearing a lot of, "Well, it wouldn't be so critically acclaimed if it wasn't about two gay guys."
Well, duh.
It's 2:11 and I feel like I should try and get some homework done so I'm not up until fucking 1:30 in the morning again, staring blindly at my Prego book and seriously considering becoming a mime for the rest of my life. I've also got to buy my books (that should be interesting) and finish up this whole "settling in" phase once and for all. I want somebody to massage my back, too. It's been hurting. I'm so dainty. |
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
All right, so this picture page is actually ridiculously late, and for that, I'm sorry. Especially to Mims and Hugo, since they were so much better about getting theirs up. I just suck. There will be a moment of silence in which I will cry softly (you may laugh or sneer or whatever it is that you do), and then we will get to business as usual.
No, no, not that business. Put your pants back on, thank you very much.
[insert moment of silence here. you will imagine that I am dutifully crying and so forth, but really I'm just typing this and sipping my delicious gingerbread latte, contemplating the life of someone who would devote so much time and effort into a simple aside in a blog]
Ah. Yes. Good cry. Moving on.
(I made that title up. We didn't actually refer to our meeting as such, but I'm starting to think we should have. It's kind of catchy.)
(In case you're starting to wonder, I'm also doped up on cold medicine, so it's not just the caffeine.)
Museum of Britishness
... This is what they should have called it. But to stop a tangent before it begins, these are all from that there place. BEHOLD.
Temple thingy.
Statues With Pretty Rippley Dresses. I made up a word right there.. "rippley"... use it now, before it becomes too trendy.
HORSE HEAD FROM THE SKY! My favorite part of the parthenon is the sun god ?????'s chariot coming up over the horizon - thus, the horse head. It's fabulous. Ten points if you know who that god is. I will send them to you. In the mail. Like confetti.
Rameses II. Statue from Egypt. The British were really good at stealing things from Egypt. Come to think of it, everybody was. Probably still is.
Oh, we made some of our OWN Canterbury Tales. How do you like them apples?
Magic Carpet Ride! All right, this is technically on the way to Canterbury, so it's a small lie on my part. Also, we're on a bus, not a magic carpet, so that's also something of a lie.
Canterbury Cathedral.
We stood in a triangle and took pictures of us taking pictures of us. Cause we're cool like that.
Awesome Fire Dudes! They were doin their thang, yo. It was pretty funny to watch. I think we enjoyed it a little too much, actually.
Obligatory Random River and Old Building Shot
Crazy Bicycle Man. We stopped to take the above pictures and to make cute noises at the ducks and the lone swan below in the river, and this guy starts to tell us about the history of the swan. While Mimmi made very polite conversation with him, I took this picture and tried not to die laughing. Yeah, I'm a good friend.
Taking a Break. All three kids, chillin' on a park bench by another random river. Probably that same random river, actually. Otherwise Canterbury is very river...y. Rivery. >_>;
GIANT TREE! Pretty damn cool trunk, I gotta say.
An alley/street/thing in Canterbury.. I'm a sucker for the christmas lights.
Dover Castle
Very old, very cool, probably very haunted, with all kinds of nooks and crannies to crawl into. It got so dark in some place, especially when I climbed up in that passage way/large hole in the wall. Dark and creepy and extremely fun. Good times at Dover, y'all.
Dover from a Distance
Sneaky Pictures. We are a sneaky, picture-taking lot, as Badness so aptly proves.
Aforementioned Dark Place. Which is why the quality is not so hot. Kind of a cool effect, though.
The Lovely Swedish Sisters. Badness looks so nice and innocent here. ....not that she isn't entirely innocent and pure and the epitome of all that is right and good in the world! She was certainly not mischievous at all. ^_~
SCARF ATTACK! My scarf.... attack her. It was so out of control, it just flew at her head and there was chaos, but Badness was so cool and collected. She's a trooper. She was like, "Scarf, chill." And then there was peace.
So thems my pictures. It was an awesome time, I assure you, and I had an absolute blast. More fantastic memories to add to an already fantastic semester. I love you guys, you ROCK.
Speaking of the semester... it's over. I'm home. I miss London. I miss the parks, I miss the history, the architecture. I miss the drag queens in soho, I miss pastry shops at every corner, I can pretend to miss the pound but I really don't because the conversion rate was just awful, I miss the hobos, I miss that light drizzle, I miss walking along the Thames at night, I miss pints.... I even miss the cold. But I've got it all still, in pictures, in my journals, and of course in memory. I've got new friends and new ideas, and a new appreciation for life in general. Studying abroad has been a life-changing experience for me - if you ever have the opportunity, DO IT. Don't wait one second. It's worth every penny.
So I'll try and put up some choice pictures of my semester some time soon. I took tons. Over 1000, I believe. So you guys will probably get the abridged version, if you don't mind. Otherwise, I put up a lot of them at facebook, so if you're at university somewhere you might be able to get a look at more that way.
Anyway, I miss the boards. I heart you all. |
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Saturday, November 5, 2005
Stonehedge: similar to the Arctic Circle?
This is what my professor said when we asked him about it in class. Apparently it is always really stupidly cold there, since it's in the middle of this big plain and the wind just sweeps across and smacks you around. He advised us to layer up and bring jackets, and Ashley (one of the lit girls) asked him, "Is it as cold as the Arctic Circle?" and professor Duckworth replied, after thinking for a moment, "Similar."
So he's a fun old British man. We like him.
Right now, I am supposed to be writing a paper for his class (imagine that!) but I have yet to begin. It's due Monday, though, by 5 pm, so at least I'm getting something of a head start. I don't think Arcade Fire is the proper music to do work to, however, because all I want to do is just sit and sway and listen. Well then.
London is still fabulous, but we're getting into the colder months. The weather is starting to turn very London-esque, and the sun sets at five pm. It's insane because you're sitting around at six wondering what the hell happened to the day because it seriously feels like it's nine, ten, but no, it's six o'clock. Which is both nice and not nice - at least you do have all that time still, but it really kind of kills your work ethic. When it gets dark, you don't want to be doing homework, you want to be out at the pubs. Especially considering they close at eleven.
Eh, well. There it is. So, how is the rest of the world doing?
We're going to Paris on Wednesday, and then after that is Thanksgiving and I'm off to Barcelona. For fall break a couple weeks ago me and some more of the lit girls (Erin and Kacie) went to Austria and Germany for ten days. It was beyond amazing, and we had some very interesting cultural experiences.
The Germans are mean. Really mean, sometimes. And they're just very different. They know that you're foreign, and can even narrow it down to British or American, because you smile when you walk. And they don't ever hand you money - there are trays that you put it in, and they put the change back in it. They don't like children, and they take their dogs everywhere - even into restaurants. But they're very well trained and totally clean. And the cities are pretty safe - much safer than London and the states. Walking around at night in Vienna, Munich, and Berlin was some of the best fun I've had, and I got some wonderful pictures. Hopefully I will upload them one day.
So yeah, life has been pretty busy. I'm so broke it's not even funny, but it's been so worth it, too. It seems kind of cliché but studying abroad has really had this complete overhaul effect on me. It's cool, though. Very cool, daddio.
Much lovesnuggles to all, hope all is well. ^__^ |
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Monday, October 17, 2005
I'm so tired and cranky right now. It's been a long night. I didn't get much sleep yesterday because I was writing an essay for class today that he didn't even collect, didn't say a word about. Of course this is only something I realize until much later, and now it looks like I didn't even write it until today which is not the case at all but right now it's the least of my concerns. It's done, it's sent, that's what matters.
So what's on my mind then? How about the missing $80 1 GB memory card my mother sent me? Yeah, I'm a total fuck up, and I lost it the day I got it in the fucking mail. I remember seeing it on my bed, but after that, nothing. Not a trace of it anywhere in my room, and I tore that place up, pulled out my bed and the little bedside table, looked through my drawers and my shoes and god knows what else. It's not there. I guess it must have gotten mixed up with the trash somehow, which makes me even more of retard. My mom was not exactly thrilled to hear this, but she wants me to buy a card here so I'll have it for fall break at the end of the week. So not only did I end up wasting that first $80, I'm probably going to spend double that in pounds in the next couple days, unless the fucking thing turns up mysteriously ASAP. Yeah, I'm pissed off.
But worse than all of this is the fact that my grandmother is in the hospital right now. She's all right for the moment, but she went in for a heart cataract (is this the right term?) this morning. They checked out her arteries and the one that poses the threat is the one that breaks into a V (I'm just repeating what I've been told here). One side is 50% clogged and the other is less than that, but also clogged. They told my grandmother that it's surprising she hadn't already had a heart attack - she is not a small woman. But because the arteries are so small they can't put the stent through and open her artery up that way. So she's going to take a stress test tomorrow morning to see how soon she needs something done, basically, but we know she probably won't pass that. This will probably lead to a bypass if nothing else can be done, and that freaks me out like nothing else.
I don't like hospitals in the first place but any medical procedure added with hospital stay absolutely kills my nerves. I've been upset about the memory card anyway, and this news about my grandmother is something I've only learned about in the last 30 hours or so. In short, I am a little high strung and I feel like I might burst into tears at any moment and that kind of bothers me. Yes, it understandably sucks - it is not a favorable situation in either case. One costs both me and my family a lot of money that could have been used for something else (fucking pound), and one concerns the health of a woman I haven't seen since my sister's graduation and it is eating away at me. If another one of my grandparents dies before I have the chance to say anything, let alone a goodbye, then I will probably never recover. It was hard enough the first time.
So, yeah. Apparently not even London can save me from myself. I think I'm going to go curl into a ball now. |
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
Your Birthdate: May 14

With a birthday on the 14th of the month (5 energy) you are inclined to work well with people and enjoy them.
You are talented and versatile, very good at presenting ideas, and you are also very good at organization and systematizing.
You may have a tendency to get itchy feet at times and need change and travel.
You tend to be very progressive, imaginative and adaptable.
Your mind is quick, clever and analytical.
A restlessness in your nature may make you a bit impatient and easily bored with routine, and rebel against it.
You have a tendency to shirk responsibility.
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
"In a moment such as this a man longs for the comfort of a mandolin!"
On iTunes: nothing
London is, in short, amazing. I have done and seen so much in just over a week and I am so tired and so happy to be so exhausted. I absolutely love it here and I can't imagine going back to Tallahassee.
I am sick, though. Of course I would be the one to get sick in the first week. Damn pathetic immune system. I need to eat better.
So far I've seen Mary Poppins, which was most excellent, and HMS Pinafore, which was quite funny. Wednesday we are heading for the Globe and we'll see the Tempest. My english classes are awesome and we'll be seeing many more plays, including A Winter's Tale, Comedy of Errors, and Twelfth Night. I'd also like to see The Lion King, Les Mis, and Richard II (with Kevin fucking Spacey) while I'm here. It's so awesome.
My flatmates rock. They're crazy fun and we've had a blast going out to pubs and clubs and such. I love this whole "legal to drink" thing. If I want to have a bit of something, then I can have it, and it's not a big deal. America really is so prudish right now.
Once, one night when we went out to Nottingham (we took the tube, hee hee!) to meet some friends of Ryan's (who is not a flatmate but practically lives there anyway) we actually met the guy who played Sean from Boy Meets World. His name is Ryder and he was hitting on me. He was cool and actually, an english major, and me, him, and my flatmate Jason talked about books almost all night. Can't dance for shit, though.
So that's what's going on right now. Abridged version, at least. I'm trying to keep up with cricket but I'm still getting the hang of all the crazy rules. Good times.
I love you all lots and hopefully you'll be getting letters soon (well, just as soon as I figure out the postage). Hugs and kisses from across the pond! |
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