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Friday, May 20, 2005

"How do ya like me now, bitches!?"
On iTunes: "Transylvanian" Say Anything

That's what Sun Ce should say in DW5.

Every time somebody mentions the word "devil" I look up. Yes, true story, folks. My darling friends in Tallahassee have taken to calling me various forms of "Satan" because I am just oh-so witty and/or maliciously evil. The two are so similar sometimes.

I learned how to use the cash register today at work. I'm afraid of the cash register, I think. It's very nerve-racking. I still don't have a badge, though. That brings me much sadness.

Good news is that I don't work again until Sunday, so I get to sleep in. Ah, my beautiful bed... [cue more snuggle comments]

So, it's like 12:45 AM and me and my mother are the only kids up right now, and I do believe that she is making some kind of egg contraption for herself. It may very well be a sandwich, but you can never be too sure with these things. Smells good, though.

I am addicted to coffee like mad. I crave Starbucks on a constant basis, and if I do not get some form of caffeine at least once a day, I will simply explode. Yes, it's that bad, folks.

You know what? Being a virgin is all well and good, but I'm friggin' bored.

That is all.

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Saturday, May 14, 2005

Beating Heart Baby
On iTunes: "Please Please Please (Young Hollywood)" Head Automatica

I love getting new music. It's so exciting. That's the cool thing about having friends with similar music tastes, too. Every time one of you finds something new and different it means fun for everybody. Yeah!

So, it's my birthday. I'm 20 on this glorious day in May. I don't feel 20, though. Especially when around my mom, since she makes me feel like I'm 12 sometimes, but still. (No more jabs at mom, I promise.) It's weird to think that I've been alive for two decades. That doesn't sound like a lot at all, but then 20... it's different. It's funny to think about all the things I thought I would have done by now, and some of the things I never would have thought of doing but did.

Generally my birthdays are pretty boring. I haven't had a party or anything close to that since the fifth grade - birthdays in May never work out well. Things always get scheduled on or around it, everybody's got tests or is working, and generally it just sucks so I've kind of gotten used to expecting nothing. That sounds sad. It probably is, but meh. When I'm filthy rich I'll make up for all my deprived years by throwing a huge freaking party for me, myself, and I in some exotic place with lots of near-naked men. It'll be glorious.

Dynasty Warriors 5 is still as addicting as ever.

Oh, and I think I have a job now. At Sam Goody. We'll see how that goes.

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Thursday, May 12, 2005

Justice Deliciously Squared
On iTunes: Goo Goo Dolls

Thanks for the advice guys. She had actually called to ask if she could come over, so sending a text message and all that was, while a good idea for a different situation, slightly unnecessary. But she's all right. Just the usual shit, but we all know what happens when it all builds up. Boo hiss.

Saw Kingdom of Heaven tonight and I was actually kind of impressed. Finally, a historical epic that doesn't manage to disappoint. Orlando Bloom was actually pretty decent, and there were a score of other actors who kicked ass, too. All in all worth the $7 and 2 and a half hours. I think.

Afterwards we (we being me, Jen, and her friend Dave) went to Steak N Shake and got some grub and then sat around and talked forever. It was awesome. Dave's a funny guy. Very cool. Friends are great.

It's like almost 3 in the morning, though, and I'm exhausted, so I think I'm going to go to bed. Man, I love my bed. What a great idea. Let's go snuggle.

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Wednesday, May 11, 2005

To Die Would Be A Very Big Adventure
On iTunes: The Mars Volta "Roulette Dares (The Haunt Of)"

Have you ever been really worried about a friend who generally you feel like you don't have to worry about because even when the chips are down, they still seem to have it all together? I mean, maybe that isn't right - we could all use a little sympathy now and then (even though you should never ask for it) - but sometimes a person just keeps such an optimistic front and you can't help but think that they'll be all right just through sheer will power.

Well, I just got a phone call from one of my bestest friends and she sounded very unlike herself and now I can't help but worry. I have no real reason to, but I know what she's been dealing with lately and I'm afraid that something has happened and now I can't stop figdeting. I hope that everything is all right and I'm just overreacting.

.....also, I went ahead and changed my layout. Something nice and simple and light. And green. I like.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2005

So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish.
On iTunes: Say Anything hidden track

I'm going to be honest, I'm getting a little bored with the current layout. I'll try to be strong and hold off, but I just don't know if I can do that for long. o_O

Anyway. I put up a thread in the Underground for my upcoming RPG Estelle [PG-13]. It's the sci-fi thing I've been messing around with, and I thought I'd put it up just to put it up. So now you know it's there, and you can plan around it accordingly. ^_~

Still applying for jobs. Good grief, I want to cry.

I'm not in a great mood right now, though. My sister's pissed off and cranky because UCF is full of dumb shits and she's not sure if she's going to be able to take the summer class she needs. Without it, she can't take half the classes she's signed up for in the fall, so she's a little frazzled right now and it's definitely rubbing off on me. It's also very warm in here, and I'm hungry, and my music has stopped, and I haven't even gotten dressed yet because I'm so damn lazy. What a putz.

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Tuesday, May 3, 2005

All Grown Up And Savin' China!
On iTunes: nothin but DW5 playing in the background

Since I've been home I've been unpacking, looking for jobs, and playing Dynasty Warriors 5 at an almost constant rate. It's kind of nice to be able to relax, but there's also a lot of other stuff I have to do for school still, as well as for the international program, so I can't be completely lazy. Piss on responsibilites. =P

Other than that, I've pretty much caught up with stuff on the boards, as well. I don't think I'll ever read all the myOtaku updates, but I'm not terribly motivated to do that either, so you'll all have to forgive me for not being completely up to step on your lives.

Speaking of the boards, though, there's an interesting discussions about thread ratings in the Underground. Hero has also been posted in again, and hopefully it's not too late to revive that and keep going. Now that it's summer, I'm once again thinking about that old sci-fi RPG idea I had months back. I'm still as excited about it as I was before, although I can't decide if I want to post a preview in the Underground or go straight to the Inn with it. I'm not sure how into sci-fi the arena is right now (the angel/demon/grand heavenly war thing seems to be making a comeback), so I'm kind of leaning towards the Underground.

On an entirely different note, I'm going to see Les Miserables tonight with my family. It's a great production and it should be pretty good. I'm kind of looking forward to the chance to dress up a little too, since I have done that in a while and this week has me feeling particularly scrubby. It'll be great to hear all the songs again, though. I adore musicals.

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Saturday, April 30, 2005

On iTunes: "Buddy Holly" Weezer

Here's the mail it never fails it makes me want to wag my tail when it comes I want to wail MAAAAIIIIILLLL!!!

Ahem. So, finals are over and done with and I'm at home once again. This means that if anybody wants to send me stuff, you need to send it to my home address. Thanks so much.

Finals went well, I think. My second year of college is over. I'm half way done. How weird is that? Will the craziness ever end? Probably not.

We made it home today relatively unscathed. Four hour drives are never great but the traffic wasn't bad and we managed to pack all of me and my sister's shit in the van, so good times. Now to unpack... blargh.

Anyway, I'm starving and I think we're going to go to dinner (yay) so that's all I've got for now. It's definitely been too long between updates, but hopefully since it's summer I'll get better at that. I promise nothing because promises = committing and I don't really do that, but hey, that's cool.

Sooooo hungry.

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Thursday, April 21, 2005

I Can Go The Distance, Too, Hercules!
On iTunes: "Cruella Deville" 101 Dalmations

I'm still alive. Barely. It's the last week of classes, with finals next week, so I've been busy as hell with papers and education hours and homework and flirting with boys and studying and god knows what else. It's insanely tiring and I haven't had as much time as I want to do other things, including sleeping. But it's almost over, thank god. And then I've got the whole summer to relax, and then London. Gweee, it makes me so happy!

Anyway. I saw Kinsey last night and it was awesome. I've never seen a movie that had so much to do with sex. I've also never seen an Oscar-nominated movie be so loved by a college campus, but I think we know why this one is the exception. It really is amazing, though, and the timing of the subject is great. Trying to teach abstinence only in schools is a joke. We need to know about sex - it's technically essential to life, and trying to hide it behind morality does not make us stronger in the long run.

Other than that, I've been working all day on that short story for my fiction technique class. The final draft is due tomorrow so I'm finishing up on that. I'm much more happy with this version than I was with the first, even though it's not technically done yet. Hopefully I'll have it up in the Anthology sometime soon. Feel free to ask for my autograph there or in my comment box.

In other news, my hair is getting long again. Well, long for me. Still got the bangs, even though last time they were trimmed they were done unevenly and it's aggravating, but meh. It grows. Slowly, but it grows.

I have no food in this room at all. Nothing to snack on. I'm dying here. I'm absolutely dying.

Flirting is still fun, and I'm still a tease. Pretty much. Tonight is the last night of Floyd's for a while, so I guess I'm going to get banded and go. It's not like I've been going to bed before 2 a.m. any other night anyway. Ah, to be young and in college and absolutely fantastic.

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Thursday, April 7, 2005

Needlessly Buying School Supplies? Oh Hell Yes.
On iTunes: "Resounding" Say Anything

I can tell already that it's going to be a very busy weekend. I have plans for almost every day. Crazy stuff. At some point I need to work on my education project, but I don't expect that to be horribly difficult. It should actually be kind of interesting and/or enlightening. It's about the A+ Plan that Jeb Bush has set up in Florida, and basically I'm going to talk about how much it sucks. It's his attempt to jump start the No Child Left Behind Act that Pres. Bush has begun instituting across the board (well, not all states are participating, but they don't get as much funding that way).

Anyway, I think it's pretty interesting stuff. I'm really kind of passionate when it comes to issues about education and teaching and all that, so working on this thing is actually something I'm looking forward to.

Ultimate frisbee is so much fun, heh. I think there's some kind of rule about how if you're in college, you've got to play it at least once. Seriously. Me and some friends from my Fiction Tech class (that thing is just one big family, I love it) are trying to get a game together. After that, we might go see a baseball game. And then after that, I imagine that I'll probably end up seeing Sin City at some point.

Saturday I'll be seeing Finding Neverland, which I am very, very excited about, and then if I'm really luck we'll go to Atlantis again. I don't know, we'll see.

I also have my first international program meeting thing tonight which I'm also looking forward to. I e-mailed some person from the program a few days ago but I haven't heard anything back yet, so I expect a lot of answers. Otherwise, both my friends Meg and Chris are definitely going so we'll all be in London at the same time. How awesome is that? I can't believe how fantastically lucky that is. Rock. On.

Anyway. Back to frisbee. Who here plays? What other kinds of sports do you guys play? I'm looking to round out my college experience with as many crazy sports as possible. (Wallyball, anyone?)

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Monday, April 4, 2005

I bought a set of markers today, whoo!!
On iTunes: "Citizen Erased" Muse

Gah, my head hurts. But I will perservere.

So there's this guy. We've been flirting, and it's been fun. Except that he's really not the kind of guy you should get into something with... because he's the kind of guy who has sex with a girl he's only known for thirty minutes in the back seat of his friend's civic. So I like teasing the bad boys, sue me.

The thing is, for a second there, I think some of these guys thought that I might actually sleep with him but didn't because one of my girl friends 'cock-blocked'. First of all, funny. Second, I'm a fucking virgin - we don't exactly wait 19 years and then jump in bed with some random guy. Not quite how it works. I get the feeling they don't think I'm a virgin though, and I'm not sure if I should be insulted or flattered by that. I'll have to think about it.

So it's been pretty amusing around here, to say the least. I also had a dream that somebody gave me candy. I don't remember who it was, but it was awesome because it was a crunch bar or something else equally delicious and it was totally unexpected. That's when candy tastes best (hint hint).

Anyway, here's me giving back to the community:

anatema: I'm not exactly latin or hispanic or anything but I can shake my hips pretty well for a white girl. Still, I want to learn all the crazy moves. This one guy I went with actually danced in competitions for a few years and his old partner was there so they were tearing it up. It was so freaking awesome.

Charlie: I've gotta say, if the guy I'm with didn't get all hot and sweaty during certain intimate activies, I think I might be insulted.

Yahiko: Yeah, I definitely lost that hour. The good thing was that it was definitely the weekend so I could sleep in as late as I wanted. Ah, to be in college.

Wolfie: I set my alarm clock back whenever I got home so I didn't wake up and go cross-eyed with confusion or anything, but it was weird to stay out past midnight and then drive home with the time all warped. Crazy.

Shiniferous: As much as I love the thought of moving to the desert... it's the fucking desert. Send me a postcard when you get there, though. I'll be sitting on the beach, sipping from one of those drinks with the little umbrellas.

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