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myOtaku.com: Arcadia

Friday, December 12, 2003

Home for Christmas
Current Mood: Kind of bored, actually.
Listening To: The crazy musac stuff from the Weather Channel

I got home last night around eight o'clock. Took three and a half hours to get from Tallahassee to Orlando - a new record! That reminds me, of course, of Mario Kart, and now next time I drive back I'll be expecting to see this ghost car in front of me... >.>;;

I feel like I need to make terra a special present or something to make up for doing so horribly on her quiz. Heh, but it was fun to take. Although it did make me think... she's had two people on OB ask her to marry her (I got that one wrong), and I'm slightly jealous. ^_^ But better than that, it gave me this funny marriage idea. I think it would be hilarious if instead of the usual "Married so-in-so on blah, blah blah", it was like "I only married him because somebody told me he was going to die" or something like that.

Well, I thought it was funny, anyway. It sounded great in my head.

First real day home and I've already been recruited to vacuum and do chores. Man, my work is never done. Le sigh.

EDIT: Ha ha ha, I am triumphant!! Theatre Final Score= 21/20!!

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