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myOtaku.com: Arcadia

Friday, February 4, 2005

You Cover Up Bullet Holes
On iTunes: "Poor Misguided Fool" Starsailor

Reasons Why I Rock And Why My True Love (Or Any Other Guy) Should Hurry The Fuck Up:

1. I make Tenacious D references.
2. I am beautiful, random, and cute.
3. Mimmi loves me.
4. I have faithful worshippers.
5. Tori is my lover (and we all know that reeks of opportunity).
6. I can offer hot horny dirty girl sex.
7. I get to retake biology tests.

The I Stole This From The Lovely and Deliciously Orange-Haired Sarah Survey.

His name: Jacques D'Alassandro! No, actually, that's just the name of a romance author, but isn't it fantastic? Listen to the way it just rolls off your tongue.
Hair Colour: I like it dark, personally. The darker the better.
Hair Style (long, short, bowl cut, cornrows, etc): Longish, messy, a little curly... that would be fine, thanks.
Eye colour: Dark again. I'm a huge sucker for brown eyes.
Age: Doesn't matter if he's younger or older because I go for both anyway. Can't be more than a five year difference though.
Height: Taller than me, but that's not exactly hard to accomplish.
Size: *innocently* Of what?
Body build: I like them tall, thin, and lean.
Ethnicity: I've gone for a lot of different guys before so I don't know if I really have a preference here.
Glasses? Sure.
Piercings? Please.
Chest hair? Whatever, but let's not over do it.
Big ol booty? or no? As long as I can hit it I don't really care.
Label: Artsy, English Dork Who Wears Jeans And T-Shirts And His IPod On A Regular Basis
His Mind: Open, ready for news things and ideas and experiences. Like a sponge, even.
In school? Yeah, preferably.
What does he want be/do when he grows up? It should be something that he loves to do. I'd rather hear him talk nonstop about how cool his job is instead of how much it sucks and how much he hates his life, blah blah.
Can he speak another language, if yes what? Any language would be awesome. Especially if he just starts whispering random things in my ear. Mmmm.
Can he read music? Sure.
Can he read guitar tabs? I really hope so.
Can he play guitar? I really, really hope so.
Piano? Yes, sure, that'd be nice. If that makes him good with his fingers, then double yes.
The drums? Rock on.
Some other instrument? Apparently he's going to play everything else, so why not the harmonica? That would be incredibly sexy.
Can he write music? If that floats his boat, sure.
Will he write songs about you? If he wants to.
Will he write poems about you? If he wants to.
Will he be artistic in some way? YES.
Will he "blind you with science?": If he does hopefully he'll keep it interesting... although I'll be his adoring fan girl anyway.
Party hopper or stay at home? It'd be nice to go out every once and a while, but I'm not crazy about big, drunken parties and all that.
Straight A student or Drop out?: Straight A, baby.
Does he have a best friend? I'm sure he does.
Is it you? I'm sure I'll be one of them.
Is he straight or bi? ....straight, probably. I'd already be slightly jealous of the girls. Being jealous of guys would just be ridiculous.
Religious? what type? Eh, it really depends. I guess I'd prefer it if he was kind of a non-denominational type of guy, not a church goer, but he's got some ideas about things.
Virgin? till marriage or till "the right time"? I'm a "right time" kind of girl so I'd hope he'd be that way, too. I don't have to be the first, but I don't want to be like the tenth girl either.
Should he be able to bake or cook? Both would be great, since I can't do either very well.
Is it okay for him to have a lot of gal pals? Sure... that'd probably be a sign in his favor, actually - he knows how to treat them. But he should be aware that I expect to get the most attention or bad things will happen.
Out-going or shy?: Well, I don't want him to be all over the place, but I don't want him to be a clam either. He should be decently easy-going.
Should he watch chick-flicks?: I don't watch a lot of them, and I'd probably watch them with my girl friends more often, but I would like to watch one or two with him without actually watching them. If you catch my drift.
Would he be a smoker?: No.
Drinking?: I don't mind if he has a couple drinks, but I don't have a lot of respect for people who enjoy getting drunk.
Cursing? No more than I would.
Does he play football(US)? With his friends, sure.
Soccer? Sure.
Baseball? Sure.
Basketball? Sure.
Rugby? Sure.
Golf? Sure.
Does he drag race? Probably not.
Does he have a "pimped up" ride? As long as he's got a CD player, reclining seats, and I can open the windows, it's all good.
Can he surf? If he can, he's going to teach me.
Skateboard? Sure.
Snowboard? Sure.
Would he have an accent? That would be fabulous, thank you.
Anything else? He should have an immense love for other games - video games, computer games, arcade games, board games, racquetball, mini golf, ping-pong, air hockey, especially card games..
Does he kiss on the first date?: He does if I do.
Where does he take you? Fun places, like bowling or mini golf or to an amusement park. Movies come later.
Does he pay? On special occassions, but I like to pay too, thanks.
Would he lay under the stars with you and spout random philosophies? Yes. Especially on roof tops. And he would also sing there.
Would he use endearments? Once and a while, and only if they're over done.
Would you hold hands? Occasionally, sure.
Would you ever stay the nite at his place? Of course.
Would he give you flowers/candy or a big expensive gift? Simplicity is best. Like surprising me with maybe one flower, or my favorite candy bar, or soda, or something silly like that. What can I say, I'm easy.
Would he walk you to your door at the end o the nite? He'd better if he wants that kiss.
How would he propose? Creatively.
Lastly, after you meet, get hitched, etc. What do u name your kids? I don't know. I like the names Julia, Julian, Jude, Kevin, Gabriel, Lyn... and others. If I ever have a girl, though, I want her middle name to be Adelaide, after my grandmother.

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