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myOtaku.com: archain

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Hey people...I am a HUGE Final Fantasy fan...you can probably tell by the awesome Auron pic...I will probably also wind up changing it to different characters from FFX...It's an awesome game...NEWAYZ...Do wut you do!

Monday, September 4, 2006

Holy crap man...there is nothing to do....I thought school was what made mondays suck, but aparrently I am WRONG! I am listening to my favorite singer right now...Utada Hikaru...She is the greatest...I almost killed my step-brother today...he rode his bike like a mile down the road like an idiot without telling me...I slapped him and told him to get in his room...he pissed me off...lol...anywayz...CU GUYS L8A,

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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Frikin Biology 2!!!
Biology 2 is awesome, but I hate doing research on body systems...I really couldn't care less how blood gets through my body...I want to go over some more animal stuff so we don't have to do this gay stuff...I betta get back to my stupid research though...CYAL8A,

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