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myOtaku.com: archerchick11

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

   ARRRRAAAGGHHHHH!!! *clutches hand*
Sprianed a few fingers on my right hand at Kwon-do last night. Whole hand is comepletly bruised! Soory folks, but the banner and the contest is going to be delayed till friday. I know, I know, your all VERY dissapointed...

See, what happened was I was practicing some on my hinge punches *when you swing your arm across your body at full speed towards the target* when I missed the padded part of the target and hit the hard, wood part. Something poped and my hand swelled up to the size of, well, the size of a large orange *VERY bad description*. I can barley type right now cause I also injured my wrist. I was planning to update the BG and stuff, but thats not gonna happen.

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