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Somewhere between here and Paradise
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Christian Student and Tuba player
Real Name
^___^ you can just call me Fox!
I'm one of the best tuba players in the state, and i know japanese and spanish! oh, and english! X3
Anime Fan Since
wow...the old pokemon days..and before haha long time ago, huh?
Favorite Anime
Last Exile, Comartie High School, Inu Yasha, Appleseed, Azu Manga Dio, DN Angel, Tsubasa, Digimon(season 1),Naruto, Panarioa Agent, WOLF'S RAIN!!!!!
To reach 2 places, Japan and Alaska. Also become the best Tuba player ever!!!!!
I love to draw anime, write books, compose a lotta music, and hang out w/ friends, and BAND!!!!!!
i can play the Trumpet and Tuba! and read Japanese, Draw.!!
| ArcticFoxDemon
Saturday, December 13, 2008
=D Long week yo
hey hey buddies! =D how has your week been? this week has been a mix of awesomeness and total crap XD So ive had extreme highs and extreme lows in the same week! its been quite a week i tell you! XD Okay, so ive been feeling alright. Its been quite a emotional rolercoaster for me >< it sucks. lol Like the start of the week was good, but then i pretty much lost the will power to do any work at school and pay attention XD haha So ive been feeling really lazy and stuff lately XP Its very weird cause im feeling really like wtf this week >< Friday was okay but stuff kept happening to set me of just enough to get me rolling down the hill >< rawwr.

Okay so monday was prolly the 2nd best day in the past week! ^^ So i had my youth orchestra concert. this youth orchestra is considered the best youth orchestra in the state, so the hall was PACKED with people! it was freaking amazing ^^ hehe And to make it even cooler, my church's youth group took a bus of people to come and see the performance! ^^ it was so nice of them to do that! I was so happy! especially when i was walking on state to sit in my spot in the orchestra and i see a big section waving at me!!! ^^ And then the performance itself was amazing! we are playing some pretty awesome pieces, and they all went perfectly! ^_^ well at least for me! So it was a really good day!! ^^

Tuesday and wednesday was okay. A little bit of some setbacks though >< What happened is that my economics teacher is such an ass hole. He gives us 100 pages in a book to read, a take home test, and a 100 problem packet to be due on wednesday XD i almost wanted to throw it at him and be like screw you. But so that really sucked >< And wednesday was pretty much just me walking around trying to keep myself from going crazy in my classes! I feel as if my schoolwork is seriously burning me out >< it does suck, and i really really really need this christamas break! I hope it feels long!! ^^ I dont want it to be short at all! We get 2 weeks too =3 hheeehehe
Another part of wednesday is that noone was around >< like all my friends were extremely busy that day and my family were out of town XD So i was forced to go eat in a resturant alone >< not my favorite thing to do, but with my Twilight book in hand, it was better! ^^ hehe

Alright Thursday was prolly the best day ever! I got to go see Canadian brass! They are like the most famous and most recorded brass quintet in the world!!! =D and i got like 2nd row seats! they were RIGHT IN FRONT of me! ^^ Oh it was so awesome! they played christmas stuff, jazz stuff, and some traditional stuff at this concert! ^^ And omg it was freaking amazing! =3 idk how they can play so awesomely and not get completely worn out half way through the performance!!! I was absolutely mezmorized by them!! ^^ It was so cool! And i got to get the tuba player to sign my program and a cd!! He was a best! all of them were freaking rediclous! ^^ hahaha So that night was prolly one of the coolest!

So anywayz! On to friday! A quite... interesting day. All day i felt as if i was waiting for something! My guess was i wanted to get the weekened here! But idk, it was very weird cause i kept feeling like i was in need to do get up and do something. So i kept myself busy with mindless little things XD Band was actually okay once when the directors finally yelled at this idiot who just BLASTS every single note XP So that made me happy. Afterwards i was going to go to the movies with some friends, but some cancled so we had to go to applebees. it was alright =D getting to see some buddies and then getting to meet a new one! it was all good! =D So that day was a so-so.

So anyway, the reason for my emotional awkwardness is of because this really detailed and strange dreams ive been having for the past week! This one in particular is dedicated to Angel Zakuro, because one of her wallpapers wasEXACTLY what happened in my dream! So here it goes!
(In my dream) I awoke to see that i was sleeping on a cloud. I looked down below and saw so many people, cars and buildings that looked t tiny. I was very worriedcause i didnt know how long this cloud would stay. Thankfully the cloud floted to this little floating concrete island. this island was very ornate and beautiful. After a little while of sitting on it, i got bored and lonely. So i walked to the end, leaned over a little bit and looked into the deep sky. It felt like jumping into the pool from the high dive, but i jumped! ^^
and i woke up for real sometime while i was suspended in the air! =D so it was one of the few really good dreams ive had recently! ^^

Today's saturday! and i plan to do absolutely nothing! stay up late, sleep in, and relax. I need this weekend to gain my senses back! XD haha So anyway, i am going to start working on my christmas cards for everyone! ^^ hehe Cause i know that christmas is just like 2 weeks away so i gotta get busy! =D hahah lets just hope that theo will actually accept my cards instead of being retarded XP hahaha rawwr.
Well fox is about to pass out writing this post so ima get some early sleep! goodnight! ^^

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