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Somewhere between here and Paradise
Member Since
Christian Student and Tuba player
Real Name
^___^ you can just call me Fox!
I'm one of the best tuba players in the state, and i know japanese and spanish! oh, and english! X3
Anime Fan Since
wow...the old pokemon days..and before haha long time ago, huh?
Favorite Anime
Last Exile, Comartie High School, Inu Yasha, Appleseed, Azu Manga Dio, DN Angel, Tsubasa, Digimon(season 1),Naruto, Panarioa Agent, WOLF'S RAIN!!!!!
To reach 2 places, Japan and Alaska. Also become the best Tuba player ever!!!!!
I love to draw anime, write books, compose a lotta music, and hang out w/ friends, and BAND!!!!!!
i can play the Trumpet and Tuba! and read Japanese, Draw.!!
| ArcticFoxDemon
Sunday, December 14, 2008
^__^ Weekend! Sooooo close to 2 week christmas awesomensss!
Hey hey! =D Howz everyone doin!? Foxerz ish doin alright! Thank you Angel Zakuro and Innocent Heart for the comments! =D Although i only got 2, you both made me really happy! =D Love yalls comments! *hugs ya both* So thank youu =3 I always love to get comments! Ima try to find a whole lotta people that are still on myo! Cause i know there has to me more!! =3 Though i miss everyone being around! =3 Oooh and i had a quite interesting satuday XD haha

So saturday i slept late, i didnt wake up til like 11. But from like 11 to like 3 i was doing freaking economics >< omfg i hate that class. He gives us too much. So i was doing that for freaking ever. I got most of it done though ^^ So it made me happy. But some of it seriously pissed me off cause i had NO clue what it was asking. I would look up a definition or the question in the book, and guess what, it wasnt in the book >< even the internet and WIKIPEDIA didnt have the answer to my questions >< omg it was so retarded!! heres an example of one that i got mad at and wrote something random! =3
34.Predict the behavior of oligopolistic firms using game theory and profit matrixes.
Well the theory is that the matrix was created by the robots that harvested people. If you remember from the move The Matrix, Neo was taken in by Morpheus. Yeah it was a good movie. The human race’s colonies were like oligopolistic firms because who else you are going to buy your guns from. Well the Matrix itself is a Monopoly cause that is where Neo gets all his guns. And that’s also where he got uploaded and learned all that freaking awesome king fu stuff. He maximized his utility when he was beating the daylights out of Agent Smith! Those agents are so bad man, I wouldn’t want to fight one. They are like the government handing out all these bailouts. Its tough. But the first movie rocked, the other two were like Alien 3 and 4... Terrible.
hahahhah enjoy that? XP

So anyway, the rest of my saturday was freaking lazy. Well i did some chores and did stuff around the house, but after that i just pretty much hung out on the computer making christmas cards and playing games with my friend =3 haha it was pretty fun! I ended up not doing anything that night either. Though i sure did dress up like really cool today. I had some really cool lookin duds on when i went out =D haha But omg when i was out i went to sonic, and ooooh have you tried their chedder peppers? Omg they are the best thing ever! =D go to sonic right now and get some!

^^ So sunday will be a okay day. I have to finish that take home test in economics, and worst of all go to this band concert. Now its pretty bad cause this semester is the semester where the WHOLE band is in one big awful concert band >< yeah seriously. It sucks. So like 118 ppl, only a third of which that are actually good... playing christmas pieces. Thats the thing about christmas pieces. That if they are not done right, or if something messes up it sends me into angry mode XD But it will be okay. There is just a few players that miss everything. the simplist rhythems and the easiest keys... they will miss them. And EXTREMELY loudly too. So it makes me furious XD This one tuba player BLASTS 24/7. Ima kill that kid i swear. And all the band directors ignore him cause they know if they do anything his mommy will come in and bitch at them >< urg it makes me so mad!
^_^ there is one good thing about sunday though! I get to stand up when they announce who made midstate and allstate! ^^ heheh Im so proud of myself!

^__^ so anyway did i tell you what i get to go do on tuesday!? ^^ omff (oh my fucking fox(i love my own acronyms)) i get to go to TUBA CHRISTMAS!!! Yeah i know you are thinking wtf is that XD what it is is a regional thing. Tuba players from across the area, not just the state, come down to play christmas music in the biggest, most beautiful church ive ever been in! ^^ Yes yes, its so cool! So its like over 100 people playing tubas or euphoniums playing christmas music for a big concert! it will be so cool! I always look foreward to going to it! =D I think its so cool that some really old people still can play the tuba. Although the only down side is taht there is a lot of bad players. (but thats coming from fox, one of the top 10 tubas in the state ^^ hehe). But its a blast! And you can be any age to come and play! I think last year the youngest was 7 and the oldest was like 89!! ^^ So its quite a awesome experience!

=3 So fox ish doing pretty good! i just have a few more days til complete freedom! I love the break cause its pretty much practicing tuba, watching anime, posting, playing games, and reading for 2 weeks! ^^ And christmas is just like a lil treat! haha! So what are you going to do for Christmas? Well sometime around christmas or Christmas iself, my cousin and her girlfriend are coming over ^^ Yes she is a lesbian. I dont mind at all. Her gf is sooooo nice tho! ^^ Or from what ive heard! I havent met her yet! My cousin is so cool though! She went through law school! i could never do that XD So anyway i am so excited to see them! ^^ And they are bringing their baby! yay!! =D It will be cool!

^^ So what ish fox askin for for chistmas? I am hopin to get a shweet 6 string bass guitar and this awesome japanese watch! Go to! Those watches are the coolest! they are japanese watches that dont use analog or digital numbers to tell time ^^ Isnt that awesoem!? they use patterns and colors! ^^ Revolution showed em to me!! he got some and im going to hopefully get one! ^^ Arnt they snazzy!!! What are you wantin for christmas?

^^ So alrighty! time for me to get off the computer and chilll before bed! Goodnight buddies! Oh yes! And tomorrow i got some new pics to show! ^^ hehehe

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