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Somewhere between here and Paradise
Member Since
Christian Student and Tuba player
Real Name
^___^ you can just call me Fox!
I'm one of the best tuba players in the state, and i know japanese and spanish! oh, and english! X3
Anime Fan Since
wow...the old pokemon days..and before haha long time ago, huh?
Favorite Anime
Last Exile, Comartie High School, Inu Yasha, Appleseed, Azu Manga Dio, DN Angel, Tsubasa, Digimon(season 1),Naruto, Panarioa Agent, WOLF'S RAIN!!!!!
To reach 2 places, Japan and Alaska. Also become the best Tuba player ever!!!!!
I love to draw anime, write books, compose a lotta music, and hang out w/ friends, and BAND!!!!!!
i can play the Trumpet and Tuba! and read Japanese, Draw.!!
| ArcticFoxDemon
Friday, December 19, 2008
YAY THANKS ^^ Lots of cool stories today! hehe
hey hey buddies! OMG ^^ You totally made my day! Thank you all so much for the awesome comments! they were really aweosome! I havent gottten that many comments in quite a while ^^ So it made me pretty happy! hehe Thanks!!! Thank you Innocent heart for your comment about that bad situation ^^ You were very close about the situation! And thank you everyone else who commented! ^^ All of your comments were so fun to read! I love you allz i really do! =D I am happy! yay! =D I am feelin better from that situation. Im just trying to do what The Eighth Sin said and now let it swallow me ^^ So im trying to not let it get me down ^^ Thank youu! *hugzz you allz* And Kelseyyy, you are not a bad friend!! Its alrighty that ya dont have time to comment lotz! *hugz* dont you worry!! ^^ hehe

Well fox has been a little better! ^^ My thursday was a lot better! Well most of it! I didnt wake up til like 12 cause i overslept XD oh wellz! I went to a big city to get some shopping done before a youth orchestra rehearsal. I got some cool stuff! Like for my mom i got a ipod car charger/radio playing thinggie! ^^ Shes wanted one for quite a while! I got my dad a Battlestar galactica computer game! He loves that series but doesnt play much games, so i am hoping he will get addicted to this ^^ Hopefully. hahah I got my sister two things. I got her a high school duffle bag with her name, high school band, and other stuff embroderied on it ^^ I also got her the Super Paper Mario Game for the wii! ^^ She plays the wii more than i so i thought she would like a good adventure game^^ hehe So there i got most of my shopping done! Now i gotta do shopping for a few more friends,a nd ill be done ^^ YAY!! hehe

=D Well did i tell you about wednesday? I cant remember! One thing really cool happened that day! I got to play football with a bunch of friends. We all got together and played football... in the pouring rain and it was as muddy as the wetlands XD it was so funny. The mud was so slick that when i was on the line (i was wide reciever and sometimes quarterback!) i would start to run and slip on the mud XD hahah it was so fun ^^ I enjoy hanging with my friends! hehe It was a blast cause i scored two touchdowns! One when i was quarterback and threw 10 yards to my friend whit for a touchdown. Then the last play of the game for gamepoint the guy who was quarterback LAUNCHED a LOOOOONG pass and i caught it despite having two people covering me! ^^ haha sounds like quite a adventure huh? =3 it was shweet!

So thursday night was alright! Kinda scary and annoying though! The youth orchestra rehearsal was sooooo annoying! thats because everyone kept messing up one rhythm and I was the ONLY one getting it right >< so then she slowed it down to retarded speed and broke the rhythm down so that they could get it....and guess what...THEY STILL MISSED IT >< oh it made me furious. Because because of that she went on some huge dumb rant about people not practicing. Now i confess i didnt practice, but its cause my part is not hard AT ALL, so i can not practice and do freaking sweet on it! ^^ haha But otherwise than that it was good!

During the rehearsal i was messing with my friend jessica XD she's so freaking cute, cause she is like so easy to mess with and she gets that deer in a headlight look and im like awww. lol so i stole her baby blue jacket (which she is a skinny lil thing) and it fit width wise, but length NOOOO haha it didnt even come down over my belly button XD hahah but it made me look so frilly. hahaha it was too funny! ^^
Then later we took some group pictures of all the people who made midstate band ^^ it was pretty cool cause they crammed all like 20 of us around/on/over/infront of this couch ^^ it was funny. My friend tyler was above me sitting on the arm rest, i was on the floor, and my adorable friend jessica(ANOTHER jessica. NOT the one whom i stole the jacket from XD) was sitting with me! ^^ It was a fun picture! i cant wait to get it! maybe ill post it after i get it! =3 hehehe

^^ My friend (ill call the one that sat next to me Asian jessica) asian jessica has the coolest little idea ever! She has this little lion with the coolest hair ever! And she named him Death. This is because she got it as a present from her grandfather who died a few days after he gave it to her. She doesnt use it to morn, but to celebrate! Cause she says her granddaddy was like the most lively and awesome dude ever! So she keeps him everywhere she goes and we always get pictures with it =3 i have this one adorable one where i styled his maine like my hair XD haha it was too cute! hahah

=D well ima stop while im ahead! its like 1:32am and i need some rest if im going to watch all of the LOTR movies tomorrow! =3 see yaz laterz! Take care okay!? ^^

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