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Somewhere between here and Paradise
Member Since
Christian Student and Tuba player
Real Name
^___^ you can just call me Fox!
I'm one of the best tuba players in the state, and i know japanese and spanish! oh, and english! X3
Anime Fan Since
wow...the old pokemon days..and before haha long time ago, huh?
Favorite Anime
Last Exile, Comartie High School, Inu Yasha, Appleseed, Azu Manga Dio, DN Angel, Tsubasa, Digimon(season 1),Naruto, Panarioa Agent, WOLF'S RAIN!!!!!
To reach 2 places, Japan and Alaska. Also become the best Tuba player ever!!!!!
I love to draw anime, write books, compose a lotta music, and hang out w/ friends, and BAND!!!!!!
i can play the Trumpet and Tuba! and read Japanese, Draw.!!
| ArcticFoxDemon
Friday, January 2, 2009
=D Yay lots of video games! And seein a movie tonight
=D hehe heeey buddies! Howz you all doin? hehe Im doing pretty awesome! My new year has totally started out good! hehe THank you Meagan, Rain, and Kelsey for the comments! =3 hehe X3 and Meagan, Foxerz ish not going to start drinking XP and if i did i give you permission to come over here and beat me up XD hahaha Sorry for the late post yallz, I didnt get to post last night =3 hehe So for the rest of this week my posts will prolly be around 10 central time! =3 hehe So how was your first day of 2009!? ^^

Mine was quite awesome! I woke up kinda early, 10am haha, and then i went with my mom to get some groceries =3 Then we went to eat at Zaxbys! =3 That place is so good! Its like a chic-fil-a bbut without the awesome waffle fries! XP haha But pretty much i was just chilling out all day til my friend go here! =D hehe We swapped Christmas gifts too. He got me a xbox 360 controler! =D I got him the Gears of War game and i burned him 2 cds of really cool music! =3 So it was awesome! Now i have enough controlers for lots of fun XD hahah

^-^ So todays we are waking up late and staying up late XP haha We have been playing lots of Left 4 Dead on the xbox360. Its so funny. Its pretty much a zombie survival game! XP Whats funny is that there are 4 players that you can be. So we choose characters and the other 2 are computers. And OMG they are soooo stupid >< The computers kept setting off alarms and doing dumb things to attract hordes of zombies XD it made us so mad. then there is this type of zombie called a Witch. Its a girl that you hear crying from a long way off. And if you startle her, she will attack you, and she can kill you REALLY fast. Unfortunatly our dumb computer player allies kept disturbing her >< rawwr. So we'd be like AAAHHH and have to shoot everything we had into her XD hahaha

Soooo later todayz we are going to go see Valkyrie!!! So Stixx will have another movie review tomorrow! =3 hehe yay yay! My friend Andrew and i were talking about the Underworld movies. And Underworld 2 has this EXTREMELY explicit sex scene >< Now, we HATE it when those are in a movie. I mean, they add NOthing to the plot, and is just a waste of time >< That and if you are in a theatre with a bunch of friends (girls and guys) its sooooo awkward to sit there and see those scenes >< gaaah. Dumb hollywood and their nastyness. lol My friend and i are making bets that there SHOULD be no sex scenes in Valkyrie. Unless Tom Cruse has sex with Hitler...and that would blow the historical accuracy of the movie out the window XD So looks like ill be winning the bet! whahahahha =3

Awww time for something adorable! Now i have a really big back yard. This house was built about 60 years ago and the back yard is sooo big. 2 acres i think =3 Anywayz we have a wooden picnic table out in the very back of my yard. Well my silly doggie, Lilly, is sleeping on top of the table XP hahha Silly doggie! Lilly is one of the silliest doggies ever. If you go outside and lay in the hammock she will jump up im the hammock with you and fall asleep XP Now she's not a small doggie. She is like a medium sized doggie. XP So having this big pup trying to steal your hammock can be quite funny sometimes XD she has even flipped it when i was sitting in it. hahaha

=3 Well anywayz i gotta jet! Enjoy your 2nd day of the new year!! *hugglezz*
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