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• 1991-01-28
• Somewhere between here and Paradise
Member Since
• 2005-10-16
• Christian Student and Tuba player
Real Name
• ^___^ you can just call me Fox!
• I'm one of the best tuba players in the state, and i know japanese and spanish! oh, and english! X3
Anime Fan Since
• wow...the old pokemon days..and before haha long time ago, huh?
Favorite Anime
• Last Exile, Comartie High School, Inu Yasha, Appleseed, Azu Manga Dio, DN Angel, Tsubasa, Digimon(season 1),Naruto, Panarioa Agent, WOLF'S RAIN!!!!!
• To reach 2 places, Japan and Alaska. Also become the best Tuba player ever!!!!!
• I love to draw anime, write books, compose a lotta music, and hang out w/ friends, and BAND!!!!!!
• i can play the Trumpet and Tuba! and read Japanese, Draw.!!
| ArcticFoxDemon
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Hey hey buddies! =D How are you all doin!? Fox ish doing good! Sorry about the few days of not posting XD Ill tell you right now that i will prolly NOT post on Tuesday XD Thats cause on Monday night I have a youth orchestra! =D Its very fun, but the only drawback is that i dont get home until about 10 at night >< Then im very tired and pretty much go straight to sleep >< rawwr. haha. Anywayz thank you for the comments! Im sorry i havent been on XP Its been busy. And this week will suck. I have to write a satire >< *Sighs* idk what ima do it over right now. Probably something funny like political correctness or something XP hehe

=D Well anywayz my past few days have been rather unproductive XP But fun too! yesterday i had jazz band! It was pretty good. Except this other bass player kid came in. He is a good bass player, but he cant read Bass cleft....sooo he cant read any of the music XD haha Wtf kind of musician doesnt read the clef that their instrument plays on!? XD hahaha It was freaking retarded. he said that he's learning it. So at least he is starting, or so he says XP haha Anyway, it was a okay day. My classes are rather boring. the only good ones are Spanish and Economics. Band is horribly boring. Cause even though im in the advance band, they are still really bad XD haha My highschool band is nothing like my youth orchestras or even midstate and allstate bands XP Sooooo everyday seems to go sooooo slowww urggg ><

=P So anywayz, im going with someone to see that My Bloody Valentine 3D movie >< urg. Now, horror movies are not my most favorite, but my friend really wants to see it. She loves horror movies >< I am like they are good, but i ALWAYS jump when something jumps out at you on the screen. even if i am sitting there waiting for it. I will jump a million miles in the air. hahahah Oh well XD Lets hope i dont make a too big fool of myself XD hahah. Have you seen that new Clint Eastwood movie!? It looks so rasist O_o im like omg enough with these movies. I really wanna see it cause Clint Eastwood is FREAKING AWESOME, but i bet its pretty intersting. I just hate how hollywood does things like that. Push an agenda is what im getting at >< Dont you absolutely hate that?! hahaha rawwrz.

=P So the rest of the week will be pretty good hopefully! Today i should have frisbee! Or at least I am hoping so! If not im going to go to my church early and practice my tuba! =D haha Oh so i havent told you what all i got going on! XD haha
Okay so in February i will have my audition for my top college. Now i think i can pretty much get a FULL ride to that college X3 and its very good too! Like the tuba professor there is AMAZING =3 hehe. So anyway, later this year i want to have a recital at my church. My church is a really old Methodist church that is prolly one of the most beautiful churches ever! =3 The carpet and acoustics of the whole sancturary are BEAUTIFUL =3 So i want to have a recital there! Im going to go today and see if i can set up a time in march or april for a recital! XP too bad you all dont live near me. Id invite each one of you =3 teehee.
=D So anywayz! Foxeh gotta go get some sleep! nighty night buddies =3 hehe

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