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myOtaku.com: Arikai

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I'm Arikai, as you may call me Ari-Chan. I'm into digital art and editng such as wallpaper making, so all requests are welcome. :-) Look around at my work if you will and you may see something to spark your interest.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

   A Thanks!

I want to thank everyone whom has downloaded my wallpapers! It makes me feel like I'm doing somethign that's worth it. :) I love Photoshop and editng, so I'll continue making wallpapers.

Since I'm in a dire 'Tales of the Abyss' editing mood, I'll make another Tales of the Abyss wallpaper. I'm thinking Tear...

Sue to my 'Tales of' obession, I'll currently take any requests for Tales of the Abyss.

Thank you guys very much! <3

-- Ari-Chan.

P.S. I'll make avatars for you Otaku users if you want.

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Thursday, November 2, 2006

   Wow, I really appreciate it!

Yay! I have 42 downloads on my first wallpaper in less than, uhh. . . //She sits and thinks then jumps up after calculating// 18-20 hours! I know it's less than 24 hours. >.> I truely appreciate it! I thanks you all. I hope my future wallpapers will be worth it.


NOTE: I also do requests, so, yeah. . .

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