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myOtaku.com: arlette alyce

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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

For the first time in years i found someone who i thought might acctually like me. But he doesn't. He likes my best friend.
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Monday, August 21, 2006

Well i forgot what i was going to say. Have a nice day everyone.
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Sunday, August 20, 2006

Today is Kelly's birthday. Yay!
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Friday, August 18, 2006

School is okay. I have the same lunch as all my friends, and basicaly everyone in my lunch last year,which is odd because its a different lunch time than last year. My french teacher only talks in french. no one can understand a word shes saying, but that doesnt stop her from going on and on and on and even singing in french for the entire class period. Has anyone read the book Maximum Ride? its about these mutant kids with wings, and the book mentions an evil company called Itex. yesterday i found out its a reall company . Creepy, huh?
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

First day of school! i have nifty classes this year. more later.
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

School starts tomorrow. I dont want to go.
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Monday, August 14, 2006

I spent the entire morning washing my backpack by hand. Now it smells like cleaning stuff. I almost forgot, izzy finally told chris that kelly wanted to break up with him. she told him friday, the day she told me chris isnt half dog. For some reason chris hates me now. i didnt do anything. And kelly blames me for telling chris, event though i wasnt even there.
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Sunday, August 13, 2006

I'm gonna change my friends fake names because the ones i used before were the names of characters based on them in a story Mike (now known as Chris) wrote, and i think he found my site and i dont want them knowing what i say about them. Ok so jen is now Izzy and elaina is now kelly and i already told you Mike's new fake name.
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I made a quiz : http://quizilla.com/users/kogarasu/quizzes/A%20quiz%20on%20(almost)%20completely%20useless%20information.%20YAY!/
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Does anyone know if you can put a backpack in the washing machine? mines covered in pen marks that wont come off with water. My mom made me invite Jen over yesterday and she tackled me into my closet because i stopped her from stealing Ian's cellphone and then she threw a 7 pound weight at Ian, missed, and put a hole in my wall. She "fixed" it by taping a piece of paper over it with the words "jen was here". she almost broke my radio , ipod and all my cds and dvds because thats what the weight landed on after it bouced off the wall. Anyone know how to fix a hole in the wall?
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