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myOtaku.com: arlette alyce

Monday, October 31, 2005

   worst halloween ever
Grounded on halloween and not allowed to go trick or treating? Me too! Here are some ways to get revenge! (important note: don't accually do any of this unless you want to get in MORE trouble)
- throw stuff at anyone who comes to your door
-give out your parent's jewelery, shoes, and electrical appliances instead of candy
-egg your own house
-eat all the candy intended for trick-or-treaters
- play annoying halloween music really, REALLY loudly in the middle of the night
-when they ask you to turn off this music, say " It's not me , it's the ghosts!"
Can't think of anything else. So, anyway, I'm grounded and my mom wont even tell me why, I locked myself out of the house and had to go find my brother to get his keys, he stole almost all of the candy I'm supposed to be giving out, my friends that I almost never get to see are out having fun without me AGAIN, I can't call them because i'm not allowed on the phone and none of their cellphones work anyway.
However, some good things have happened: I got the new A Series Of Unfortunate Events book, and it was really good. One of my friend who I thought was mad at me acctually isn't, and he is mad at someone who really deserves it. And im un-grounded from the phone tomorrow. I read somewhere that on people used to carve turnips instead of pumpkins. Happy Halloween!

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