Today in the Philippines, it's raining hard and it's flooding all over the Luzon islands. Some places are flooding too in Cebu city. this rainy season, I recommend all Filipinos to go to work or school and back home again immediately. Anyway, we don't have classes, for the Bosconians only, but Aya and the gang has classes in their school.
For some news, DJ Jose of RX 93.1 interviewed Jessica of PCD this 5.00 am (btw, it's 7 in the am here) and I was up to hear the interview. Why was a awake? Because, there's supposed to be school today but it was suspended, i think. At least they can't blame me! The school bus operator said so herself! Hehehehehe..
You may be wondering why I abandoned the Philippine theme, It wasn't working for me.
Well, sorry I wasn't on for a while. Okay, I admit, I was on. I didn't post because I was rushing. Anywya, If you can't find the comments, It's bellow the poll - way below. And sadly, there are a lot of rotten things going on in Luzon. It's defenitely a bad time to visit Luzon (Philippines) but It's wonderful to go and see Visayas or Mindanao.
Capiz - Ghost hunting and a bunch of sea food.
Yes, Capiz, wonderful for those who like scary stuff and for those who love sea food. Yay! Comments (1) |
Sunday, July 9, 2006
*kneels down, looks up and cries* Thank you!
You see, the cheering wasn't "CHEERDANCE" it was "CHEERING" literally, as in shouting "go!" and waving colored ribbons!
And, boy, was I confused or what?
You see, cheering in my old school was an annual event for the best of the best to battle it out and when you lose, you rat out on hte winners! (hehehe) Not really, but you'll get what I mean. But in this school, cheering is just plain cheering! Phew!
The cheers were all about the Pope, Pope Benedict the Sixteenth because last June 7 was Pope's day. It was exciting, yes, but everything will dry up your throat.
We were supposed to have a quiz bee that day, still about the Pope, but it was posponed. So we're gonna have it on Monday! Wish me luck! Because the quizbee's there, they randomly pick numbers and if you have the same class number, you'll answer a question, It's part of the test scores too! Oh man, this is one bad trip. They'll call 15 numbers, I hope I'm not one of them. I'm number 15, btw.
During our Business Math Class, the second Math class I was talking to you about, we had a skit about simple interest, not that boring to see my classmates make a fool of themselves. I'm lucky enough to be the director-script-writer-narrator. I didn't have to perform, just narrate. Yay!
We were scolded during our Christian Living and Values Education. Because, we were told to make an advertisment of our faith. What happened was an advertisment adaptation session. And worse, my classmate used diapers as props! That waws very unnappropriate. We were scolded because it was considered as an act of vulgarity. And man, was that nun serious or what!??!?
She was also ashamed to see that the other studenets of our class wasn't singing during the mass for the Pope. We had a deal that who doesn't participate will SING SOLO IN CLASS! But I was singing! Do i still have to? I was the loudest singer there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Life is so unfair! I have to sing again????
What Armmina wore to Church:
White polo shirt (from Penshoppe over pink 3/4 sleeves shirt, white pin-striped blue denim pedal pants and a white pair of leather parisian jr. sandals. Comments (2) |
Wednesday, July 5, 2006
heya!!! I've got shocking news!
Oh, it looks like I haven't posted for a while.
I'm buried in schoolwork.
I'm not even supposed to be online right now.
Yes, the shocking news - ahem....
Oh goodness....Pom-poms and pyramids??? I'm only good at dancing but not the cheering
Anywya, by the weekends' drop, I may have changed my site design or layouyt or probably my theme. My theme for the next two months would be: "Philippine Tourism! THe Pearl of the Orient Seas" Revealing to you thre beauty of my country. Sure, the U.S. and the other countries are great with all that advanced technologies and historical landmarks, but now, It's time for my country to shine...And I'll let you see the natural landscapes of my country, somethings that cannot be seen anywhere else..(duh)
So I hope to hear from you soon, and I leave you with a great music video...if you don't understand, just watch it...
Hey you guys...big news...
I'm going to my new classmate's house today...because we're supposed to make a display of Regions 5 and 6...problem? well, in the philippines, it's not that easy to get around. In such a small countyr, In one of the smallest regions but still, I need a driver to drive me around...Plus, we're from different cities...there's no such thing as walki9ng distance here....blegh..
I found out how to make the different layouts even when using a blog...thanks to macromedia dreamweaver....also, there will be a few sites that can help you...
I found out that to change everything, you have to make a css (cascading style sheet) and insert it into the introduction of your profile. It will comepletely change your hompage but it wouldn't affect your guestbook. I'm very sure you know how and what css is and done...but for the filipinos who aren't taught about this in school, lissa explains it all can help you with wht you need....
I know you wouldn't care about this but have you heard of Digimon? It turns out that in the series, the digimon world was a wacked out video game..which came to wonder... Comments (0) |
Hey you guys...big news...
I'm going to my new classmate's house today...because we're supposed to make a display of Regions 5 and 6...problem? well, in the philippines, it's not that easy to get around. In such a small countyr, In one of the smallest regions but still, I need a driver to drive me around...Plus, we're from different cities...there's no such thing as walki9ng distance here....blegh..
I found out how to make the different layouts even when using a blog...thanks to macromedia dreamweaver....also, there will be a few sites that can help you...
I found out that to change everything, you have to make a css (cascading style sheet) and insert it into the introduction of your profile. It will comepletely change your hompage but it wouldn't affect your guestbook. I'm very sure you know how and what css is and done...but for the filipinos who aren't taught about this in school, lissa explains it all can help you with wht you need....
I know you wouldn't care about this but have you heard of Digimon? It turns out that in the series, the digimon world was a wacked out video game..which came to wonder... Comments (0) |
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Wierd day today...
Here at my current school, everyone's so noisy...geez. And since I'm a quiet loner type who doesn't have a "barkada" or group of friends or anything of such likeness,I kinda stand out. Everyone walks noisily, chatting with their friends around them, and I'm the kid, easily spotted even if you put me in the background of the picture, walking alone and thinking deeply. And the people who know me think I'm the saddest person in the world...nyek..or i need psychological therapy...
Even though I'm only recalling the past lessons at school, They think i'm recalling past memories of the darkest times of my if I have dark times, which I don't...Me and my siblings are happy together, with the fewest fights...very few. And most of the time, I try to think of thngs to write like what to write here or what to do with the fanfic that never gets finished and never gets started either (the middle's always the easiest part to start writing) geez. As if these people are required to be noisy outside of the classroom.
Our class president cried this morning too. She was so frustrated with our classmates because they just wouldn't line up. Oh, well, Ate Shine, you'll get through it soon... [btw, "ate" (pronounced as: A-tEH)means big sister or any girl older than you] I call her Ate because she's older by one month and I'm used to call almost anyone ate.
Our vice president, Ate Diane, told me yesterday to bring materials such as clay, clay, clay, illustration board, clay and clay today. Then she posponed our group activity because we have three quizzes tomorrow. Filipino: Philippine Literary Arts "The Adarna Bird", Business Math and Algebra. Anyhow, the thing I have to do with the clay is to display a tourism spot in the Philippnes Region 5 or Bicol so i'm doing it now. I chose Mayon Volcano, the only volcano in the world with a perfect cone and the Parish church that sunk in the magam a hundred years ago when it errupted. Teh only part of the church you'll ever see is the Church bell tower poking out from the ground beside the volcano.And next is Region 6, the Western Visayas. THere, you can find hte ever-famous Boracay Beach. Since I'm doing MAyon, I hope i don't have to do Boracay also.
So, see yah, I still have to study for Filipino and finish that volcano display. Byerz!
Today's quote:
"LOVE, is like a can of tuna. Love is a sacrifice that you will give whole-heartedly and without hesitation. As for the can of tuna... I have exactly no idea why I had to compare that to love. Just forget the tuna and remember the love part..."
Alchemy 101 part two...with transmutation circles... someone's digi-question answered and the easiest way to get rich
(Research by request only)
What is Alchemy?
Alchemy is a branch of Science that existed in the middle ages. Alchemy is the science which tackles the study of synthesizing gold from ordinary elements like lead. The principle of this Science is not true- you cannot create gold from other elements. But don't look down Alchemists- because of them, modern Chemistry was revolutionized. Enough of the real meaning, let's proceed to the Anime.
Alchemy in FullMetal Alchemist is a branch of science which can create, destroy and recreate anything. Alchemists can synthesize anything they want- metal (except gold because it is forbidden), wood, doors, weapons, basically anything they want to create. They can even repair broken or damaged things. But there is a rule in Alchemy: Anything you created must be replaced by anything of equal value. That is the Law of Conservation in Alchemy.
The Transmutation Process in alchemy can be described in three steps: Understanding, Decomposition, and Reassembly. Understanding means that an Alchemist must first understand what are the components needed for the transmutation process and he or she must analyze what are the components of the object to be subjected for transmutation; Decomposition means breaking down the object subjected for transmutation and finally, Reassembly. It means to reassemble the object that was subjected to transmutation into another object with equivalent value.
There are basic rules in Alchemy: the very basic one is the Law of Conservation. The other one is the law that forbids to create gold. The last one is to create or resurrect a Human Being. For years Alchemists have tried to transmute humans but no one had been successful. Why? Because the human body has a soul and it is the Property of God- which means he is the only one who can create and destroy a human being. The results of a Human Transmutation is the loss of body parts or the whole body, death, and the worst- the formation of a Homunculus.
"There is only one answer to performing a transmutation that bypasses the principle of equivalent trade without drawing a transmutation circle. It's said to only exist in legends, the legendary technique amplification device... The Philosopher's Stone." "Those who possess it are no longer bound by the Law of Conservation in Alchemy. They don't have to sacrifice something of equal value in order to gain something."
A Simple Array To be able to perform Alchemy, an alchemist must first draw a Transmutation Circle, also called an Array (see inlet, an example of an array). The things needed to be exchanged in order to create something is put in the circle. Basically, you cannot perform alchemy without an Array. But there is an exception to that rule: The Philosopher's Stone. The Philosopher's Stone is the magical stone which allows an Alchemist to perform Alchemy without a Transmutation Circle and without an exchange of equal value. So, if you have the Philosopher's Stone, you can create anything you want without having a hassle to abide the rules. Then, how come Edward and Izumi-san can perform Alchemy without an Array? Just watch the series to find out.
According to the series, human beings are composed of elements and compounds. These components are the ingredients that make up a human body. Basically, these things are what you need to transmute a human body. Here they are:
+ 35 Litres of water
+ 25 kilograms of Carbon
+ 4 Litres of Ammonia
+ 1.5 kilograms of lime
+ 800 grams of Phosphorous
+ 250 grams of Salt
+ 100 grams of Saltpeter
+ 80 grams of Suphur
+ 75 grams of Fluorine
+ 5 grams of Iron
+ 3 grams of Silicon
+ And a little bit of other 15 elements.
Research not by me but by a good friend named...okay, i'm not going to say his name but he shall be called Shuiichiro, 17 yrs. old from the Philippines and his website is about FMA and Hunter x Hunter. Visit here.
Transmutaion Circles
As you can see, FullMetal Alchemist do have tons of Transmutation Circles. Without them, Alchemists cannot perform Alchemy (except the ones who have seen the gate). It is vital for them because it is the lifeline of their talent. Below are some of the Transmutation Circles used (shown) in the series of FullMetal Alchemist. Some are really familiar and some are not. For more information about it, proceed to "What is Alchemy" section.
Transmutaion Circles not by me but by a good friend named...okay, i'm not going to say his name but he shall be called Shuiichiro, 17 yrs. old from the Philippines and his website is about FMA and Hunter x Hunter. Visit here.
It is very simple to enter:
1. Choose an image that relates to the theme of the week.
2. Include the theme of the week's description keyword.
Description Box Screenshot
3. Upload your image.
Contest Rules:
* The contests runs June 25th − August 5th
* 7 prizes will be awarded (one per week) + Grand Prize $2,500
* Winners will be posted & contacted on Mondays
* Winners will be selected based on:
o Creativity
o Entertainment Value
o Originality
o Weekly Theme Consistency
Show us your coolest picture from your MySpace profile that shows you having fun!
June 18 - July 1, 2006 "friends contest"
Pimp Your iPod
Show us your iPod hanging out by itself or with you during your summer travels.
July 2 - July 8, 2006 "ipod contest"
Water Fun
Show us action pictures on the water, while having fun in the sun.
July 9 - July 15, 2006 "water fun contest"
Show us pictures of your favorite pets hanging out.
July 16 - July 22, 2006 "pets contest"
Summer Concert
Show us pictures from your rocking and rolling summer concerts.
July 23 - July 29, 2006 "concert contest"
Anime, Blinkies, Glitter, Icons, and Graphics
Show us your most creative efforts.
July 30 - August 5, 2006 "graphics contest"
* You must enter the exact description keyword during that week in order to be considered.
** If you win, you can choose from three prizes: 1) 30GB iPod Video and a $50 iTunes Gift Card; 2) xBox 360 Core System; or 3) $300 cash
I entered a few pics myself...
Now...the digi question..yes... What did the animators for digimon intend with the 02 series?
The final episode's ending was intended to be ambiguous. In an interview with Kakudoh (the creator), he said that he originally wanted Takari, Kenyako, Sorato, and Koumi pairings. However the series took such a great popularity that the fans were too spread out on the couples; there wasn't a universal favorite. So he randomly picked two pairings and gave the rest of the CC mini-clones for children. His intent was for viewers to draw their own conclusions, however the plan backfired. The episode was declared the worst episode in all of the Adventure series, including season one. The ending was too open ended, and yet too final. There wasn't anyway to prove that any conclusion was right. So for short...Takeru has to go with Hikari, Ken with Yolie, Matt with Sora and Koushirou with arguements...
That's why Kari's son was wearing yellow and is very tall...also, Mimi's son was wearing orange...any other questions??? Comments (1) |
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Cows Can Fly...and something to do with a purple dancing hippo... and today today...
THe Purple Dancing Hippo
As of Today..Cows can fly..tomorrow, coconuts can sing and we'll just leave it up to the schedule of Random Sentences below...
Did you vote for your favorite anime guy yet? The list and nominees are at the top.
We have to make a symbol for our names. My name, as we all know, is Armmina Liberte Hans Maclang.
Armmina means autonomus or can stand alone. (My name fits my personality...alone) Liberte is french for Freedom (any connection to the statue of Liberty?) Hans is German for John which means God's Grace (so I'm a blessing to the grateful that God has sent me to you) and Maclang is Zambal for dried fish...(0.0)oh man
So I'm a dove, flying alone freely with some bread and dried fish???? Can that be a symbol?
I was applying for the Computer Club with ms. Joseline Tanay (who hates her name that she wants to be called Joye..yes, it's Joy with an /e/)
We had a Fire Drill today...the teacher on the PA said, "Please don't trample the pre-school kids, they're fragile."
Too bad though, i was supposed to upload a video/image (swf - a video but it's considered as an image) of a dancing purple hippo. It was Dancing "Thong" if u know that song but i guess the size was too big for Photobucket. So it didn't upload...
Quiz tomorrow on Algebra...just simple integers...I love DOn Bosco School...I feel as if I'm too smart...(which is creepy..I'm not even an honor student)..but at the same time..I hate them for sayIng that Dominican College is Stupid...grrr..gosh it's so hard to think up of a new post style...I know how but i'm not ready yet so please wait...
BTW, the meaning of the emoticons of MyO... Happy
"Eek!" or "say what?" or "OMG!!!"
angelic or good girl/boy
rolling eyes
Now you know...
Computer class will discuss the following this year..
1. Internet
2. Adobe Photoshop
3. Adobe Page Maker
4. Advanced Power Point
Today's usual...
Today, English class was doubled and we got to meet our computer teacher. Since there are so many applicants for the Computer club, so we had to have a screening or test tomorrow. I wonder what we have to do...i hope it's about HTML...
Now for today's random sentence: "Ibahala natin ito kay Batman!" In English, "Let's leave it up to Batman!" No reason...
Here is the following schedule of random sentences:
June 22 Cows can fly.
23 Coconuts can sing.
24 Chocolates are aliens.
25 The mountains are walking.
26 Welcome to banana world!
27 You're fired!
28 Wazzup wazzup!
29 People evolved from monkeys but monkeys eveolved from chickens...(no reason)
30 This is the end!
If you have any suggestions for changes in my random sentence schedule...please tell me...
Today, English class was doubled and we got to meet our computer teacher. Since there are so many applicants for the Computer club, so we had to have a screening or test tomorrow. I wonder what we have to do...i hope it's about HTML...
"Critiscism is a good thing. When people critisize you, try to improve rather than getting angry at the person. Thank them for it and just act happy. It's a way of revenge that's just the same as mine."
Speaking of my revenge plan...It's going really well....!!! Comments (2) |