Thursday, March 23, 2006
Gladly, This graduation, I recieved an award as one of the Awardees and Outstanding Pupils of the School Year 2005-2006. I am Awarded as Journalist of the Year - Gold Medal and Active Participation in the Young Writers'Club - Certificate of recognition. I'm not boasting...I'm just really happy. All my hard work as a young writer finally paid off. It's so sad that after graduation, I'll be moving to a different school. I'll be parting ways with akkaime, aya and tomoe crystal. Sadly, they didn't get any award. Oh well, at least we're graduating. Anyway, speaking of awards, I would like to list down the following awards. Write down in your comment who you want to win or get nominated.
1. Blu-Skies (color blue sites)
2. Pretty-in-pink (pink sites)
3. green scene (green sites)
4. royal ube (purple sites/ violet)
5. animaniackers (filled with anything anime and nothing else.)
6. Animyxers (you combine different anime together. THey can be in the form of fanart, quizzes, polls, posts or fanfictions found in your portfolio or site.)
7. Red-hot rage (anything red)
8. site of light (your mistakes on putting a light colored bg and light colored text won't go to waste. It's a big mistake, yeah, but you'll win an award for it.)
9.Sunshine (color yellow)
10. Post-a-holic (those who post a lot of times in a day.)
The comment should look like this:
akkaime, aya
...becoz her fanfiction rox!
tomoe crystal
...her site is totally blue.
By the next time, I would put up a poll. The first 9 nominations will be included in one of the choices.
Once started as Blaque Attack is now sweeping the nation with awards.
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